

Representation ID: 23878

Received: 22/03/2021

Respondent: Glavenhill Limited

Agent: Lanpro Services Ltd

Legally compliant? Yes

Sound? No

Duty to co-operate? No

Representation Summary:

The discounting of the proposed allocation site (GNLP0485R) is unjustified and unsound.

In addition to supplementing housing supply, the allocation of this site, will provide much
needed new primary school and community facilities which the Council has failed to consider.

The benefits to be delivered through the provision of a new Country Park at the site have failed to be assessed by the Council. The discounting of this site as a potential green infrastructure resource is unjustified.

The discounting of the site over access and highway concerns has also been demonstrated to be

See enclosed representations for further detail.

Change suggested by respondent:

Land to the north of Caistor Lane, Caistor St Edmund (GNLP site reference GNLP0485R) can through its allocation provide for a new country park, a site for a much needed new primary school, in the
order of 180 new homes and a generous and beneficial package of community sought facilities.

The proposed allocation site is a suitable, available and deliverable proposition which can deliver
much needed facilities which fail to be planned for within the GNLP Regulation 19 Document.

The site should be allocated as a justified, positive and a wholly ‘sound’ proposition.

Full text:

The discounting of the proposed allocation site (GNLP0485R) is unjustified and unsound.

In addition to supplementing housing supply, the allocation of this site, will provide much
needed new primary school and community facilities which the Council has failed to consider.

The benefits to be delivered through the provision of a new Country Park at the site have failed to be assessed by the Council. The discounting of this site as a potential green infrastructure resource is unjustified.

The discounting of the site over access and highway concerns has also been demonstrated to be

See enclosed representations for further detail.