

Representation ID: 23891

Received: 22/03/2021

Respondent: Glavenhill Limited

Agent: Lanpro Services Ltd

Legally compliant? Yes

Sound? No

Duty to co-operate? No

Representation Summary:

Glavenhill object to the lack of new sites being allocated for housing within Key Service Centres and the amount of dispersal to rural parts of the plan area. This is particularly the case within South Norfolk where 1,200 homes could all be allocated in small cluster villages in less sustainable rural parts of the District.

Glavenhill recommend that the quantum of allocations be redirected to support the stated ambitions for the Cambridge-Norwich Hi-Tech corridor and to reflect the sustainability of Key Service Centres such as Hethersett and Poringland / Framingham Earl.

Change suggested by respondent:

Glavenhill object to the lack of new sites being allocated for housing within Key Service Centres and the amount of dispersal to rural parts of the plan area. This is particularly the case within South Norfolk where 1,200 homes could all be allocated in small cluster villages in less sustainable rural parts of the District.

Glavenhill recommend that the quantum of allocations be redirected to support the stated ambitions for the Cambridge-Norwich Hi-Tech corridor and to reflect the sustainability of Key Service Centres such as Hethersett and Poringland / Framingham Earl.

Full text:

Glavenhill object to the lack of new sites being allocated for housing within Key Service Centres and the amount of dispersal to rural parts of the plan area. This is particularly the case within South Norfolk where 1,200 homes could all be allocated in small cluster villages in less sustainable rural parts of the District.

Glavenhill recommend that the quantum of allocations be redirected to support the stated ambitions for the Cambridge-Norwich Hi-Tech corridor and to reflect the sustainability of Key Service Centres such as Hethersett and Poringland / Framingham Earl.