

Representation ID: 23915

Received: 15/03/2021

Respondent: Wymondham Heritage Society

Legally compliant? Yes

Sound? No

Duty to co-operate? Yes

Representation Summary:

We object to the inclusion of this site in the GNLP. Despite substantial development pressure in the A11 corridor, planning policies have thus far helped protect the separate identities of Wymondham. Policy GNLP0354R would harm the rural gateway to Wymondham from the west meaning the Grade 1 Wymondham Abbey would only be seen obliquely through housing. The land is elevated and further building here would effectively destroy the current views. Any housing would also compromise the exceptional Grade 1 listed Cavick House and ancillary buildings which create one of the most significant groups of historic buildings in the Conservation Area. The site lies on the outskirts of the designated river valley landscape: there are County Wildlife Sites at nearby Wymondham Abbey Meadows and Tiffey Meadows south and north, and is outside the existing settlement boundary. The proposed building site is encompassed by narrow lanes so housing would severely urbanise the historic western approach to the Abbey and compromise the rural character of the landscape in general. There would be a loss of habitat for wildlife, an increase in pollution and light pollution and is popular with walkers, cyclists, runners etc. Development Management 4.5 Landscape Character and River Valleys: "All development should respect, conserve and where possible enhance the landscape character of its immediate and wider environment. Development proposals that would cause significant adverse impact on the distinctive landscape characteristics of an area will be refused". We that this promise will be upheld.

Change suggested by respondent:

We believe that Policy GNLP0354R is unsound and should be removed from the draft Greater Norwich Local Plan.

It is claimed that this site has been selected because it has "good access to facilities" and there are at least two references in the GNLP to development on the site:

"relating well to existing form and character of Wymondham, without adversely impacting on views of Wymondham Abbey and that the site can be developed for housing without significant harm to the setting and views of Wymondham Abbey"


"It is for this reason that the site should be identified as a preferred site for housing in the draft Local Plan".

We believe neither of these statements if justified, both are unsound and, unless
removed from the Greater Norwich Local Plan will lead to the complete
urbanisation of a much loved rural aspect of Wymondham.

It is to be hoped that the additional housing allocation of 300 houses will not be implemented in the future on this extremely sensitive site.

Full text:

We object to the inclusion of this site in the GNLP. Despite substantial development pressure in the A11 corridor, planning policies have thus far helped protect the separate identities of Wymondham. Policy GNLP0354R would harm the rural gateway to Wymondham from the west meaning the Grade 1 Wymondham Abbey would only be seen obliquely through housing. The land is elevated and further building here would effectively destroy the current views. Any housing would also compromise the exceptional Grade 1 listed Cavick House and ancillary buildings which create one of the most significant groups of historic buildings in the Conservation Area. The site lies on the outskirts of the designated river valley landscape: there are County Wildlife Sites at nearby Wymondham Abbey Meadows and Tiffey Meadows south and north, and is outside the existing settlement boundary. The proposed building site is encompassed by narrow lanes so housing would severely urbanise the historic western approach to the Abbey and compromise the rural character of the landscape in general. There would be a loss of habitat for wildlife, an increase in pollution and light pollution and is popular with walkers, cyclists, runners etc. Development Management 4.5 Landscape Character and River Valleys: "All development should respect, conserve and where possible enhance the landscape character of its immediate and wider environment. Development proposals that would cause significant adverse impact on the distinctive landscape characteristics of an area will be refused". We that this promise will be upheld.