

Representation ID: 23917

Received: 15/03/2021

Respondent: Mr Alec Brown

Legally compliant? Yes

Sound? No

Duty to co-operate? Yes

Representation Summary:

We fully understand that houses need to be built but are very concerned about the number of houses being proposed for Hingham.

As far as we can ascertain from the GNLP development plan the sites GNLP0520 and GNLP0503 have been allocated for development but Hingham Parish Council are not happy that these sites have been allocated. They would much prefer the sites GNLP0335 and GNLP0298 to be developed instead.

With regard the sites GNLP0502 and GNLP0503 that have been put forward by yourselves for development. If Hingham must have an increase in housing then the Norwich Road and Dereham Road sites should be developed in a way that minimizes impact on the wildlife and village amenities. If houses must be built why are they not developed in other areas using brown field sites as a development of this size would cause substantial and unacceptable harm to the character of the area and wildlife.

We fully agree that the sites GNLP0335 and GNLP0298 should not be developed for the following reasons.

The destruction of the countryside will have a detrimental effect on the habitats of wild life which includes Deer, Sky Larks and many more species of birds and animals. Could this land in question instead of being developed for housing just be re-wilded?

There is a blind bend 100m to the west of the proposed development entrance on site GNLP0298 and in our opinion the exit onto the B1108 will not be safe due to the speed of all vehicles leaving or entering Hingham. Vehicles enter the village in excess of 30 miles per hour and often ignore the 30 mile flashing speed sign telling them to slow down. When leaving the village vehicles increase their speed before reaching the 40 miles an hour speed limit sign often well in excess of this speed. After observing vehicles from my property approximately 75% of them are over the speed limit in both directions. The road is not suitable for Adults with limited mobility or children to cross. We have seen older Adults trying to cross the road with their trolleys/walkers struggle to cross the road due to the speed for the traffic.

The developers have said about footpaths on the south side of Watton Road to GNLP0298. There is a hedge to the front of houses between 36 and 50 Watton Road. To put a footpath in would result in the destruction of more hedgerows. The path opposite on the north side opposite the proposed development entrance and exit is approx 1 metre wide and wholly unsuitable for the large amount of footfall for the development of this size.

A traffic island as proposed by the Developer would result in more destruction of hedgerows etc. I also believe this proposed traffic island would cause serious health and safety issues for people wishing to cross due to the excessive vehicle speed.

If this development were to go ahead with lorries and the large amount of construction vehicles entering and exiting the site once again I believe this would be a serious health and safety issue due to the amount of mud and debris on the road and the speed of the traffic on the B1108 in both directions.

With regard the proposed incorporation of woods on the developers plans for GNLP0335 why are the woods not at the rear of existing housing in Rectory Gardens and Watton Road rather than the back of the proposed houses. The new proposed woodland would not be planted with mature trees therefore would take 20 to 30 years to develop into a woodland. This would once again have a detrimental effect on environment and all wildlife.

Why do houses need to be built on a field that is best suited to agriculture? With an increasing population in the United Kingdom, we should be focusing on our capacity as a country to grow more crops at home and reduce our carbon footprint rather than importing food into the country. A development of this size would increase the total carbon footprint of Hingham.

The Council for the Protection of Rural England are requesting more areas be designated green belt again therefore can this area be designated green belt as it is on the south and western end of a rural settlement with views to open countryside.

Change suggested by respondent:

A development of any size would cause substantial and unacceptable harm to the character and wildlife of the village.

Loss of habitat for deer, skylarks, foxes, owls and other wildlife.

The vehicles entering and leaving Hingham via Watton Road are I would think in excess 75% of the time over of 30 MPH and sometimes way in excess of 30.
I think if the development GNLP0335 and GNLP0298 were to go ahead, due to the fact there is a blind bend Approx 100 metres to the west of the proposed development entrance which I do not believe has a clear line of sight due to the speed of vehicles entering Hingham along Watton Road from the west. I believe this is a serious accident waiting to happen.

Mud on the road from contractor’s vehicles turning in and out during construction phase would be a very serious hazard. To the west of the proposed entrance the speed limit is 40 MPH with vehicles often well in excess of this speed entering and leaving Hingham via Watton Road.

Full text:

We fully understand that houses need to be built but are very concerned about the number of houses being proposed for Hingham.

As far as we can ascertain from the GNLP development plan the sites GNLP0520 and GNLP0503 have been allocated for development but Hingham Parish Council are not happy that these sites have been allocated. They would much prefer the sites GNLP0335 and GNLP0298 to be developed instead.

With regard the sites GNLP0502 and GNLP0503 that have been put forward by yourselves for development. If Hingham must have an increase in housing then the Norwich Road and Dereham Road sites should be developed in a way that minimizes impact on the wildlife and village amenities. If houses must be built why are they not developed in other areas using brown field sites as a development of this size would cause substantial and unacceptable harm to the character of the area and wildlife.

We fully agree that the sites GNLP0335 and GNLP0298 should not be developed for the following reasons.

The destruction of the countryside will have a detrimental effect on the habitats of wild life which includes Deer, Sky Larks and many more species of birds and animals. Could this land in question instead of being developed for housing just be re-wilded?

There is a blind bend 100m to the west of the proposed development entrance on site GNLP0298 and in our opinion the exit onto the B1108 will not be safe due to the speed of all vehicles leaving or entering Hingham. Vehicles enter the village in excess of 30 miles per hour and often ignore the 30 mile flashing speed sign telling them to slow down. When leaving the village vehicles increase their speed before reaching the 40 miles an hour speed limit sign often well in excess of this speed. After observing vehicles from my property approximately 75% of them are over the speed limit in both directions. The road is not suitable for Adults with limited mobility or children to cross. We have seen older Adults trying to cross the road with their trolleys/walkers struggle to cross the road due to the speed for the traffic.

The developers have said about footpaths on the south side of Watton Road to GNLP0298. There is a hedge to the front of houses between 36 and 50 Watton Road. To put a footpath in would result in the destruction of more hedgerows. The path opposite on the north side opposite the proposed development entrance and exit is approx 1 metre wide and wholly unsuitable for the large amount of footfall for the development of this size.

A traffic island as proposed by the Developer would result in more destruction of hedgerows etc. I also believe this proposed traffic island would cause serious health and safety issues for people wishing to cross due to the excessive vehicle speed.

If this development were to go ahead with lorries and the large amount of construction vehicles entering and exiting the site once again I believe this would be a serious health and safety issue due to the amount of mud and debris on the road and the speed of the traffic on the B1108 in both directions.

With regard the proposed incorporation of woods on the developers plans for GNLP0335 why are the woods not at the rear of existing housing in Rectory Gardens and Watton Road rather than the back of the proposed houses. The new proposed woodland would not be planted with mature trees therefore would take 20 to 30 years to develop into a woodland. This would once again have a detrimental effect on environment and all wildlife.

Why do houses need to be built on a field that is best suited to agriculture? With an increasing population in the United Kingdom, we should be focusing on our capacity as a country to grow more crops at home and reduce our carbon footprint rather than importing food into the country. A development of this size would increase the total carbon footprint of Hingham.

The Council for the Protection of Rural England are requesting more areas be designated green belt again therefore can this area be designated green belt as it is on the south and western end of a rural settlement with views to open countryside.