

Representation ID: 23921

Received: 16/03/2021

Respondent: Mr James Layte

Number of people: 2

Legally compliant? No

Sound? No

Duty to co-operate? Not specified

Representation Summary:

We would like to register our objection in the strongest possible terms to the proposed extra development in Aylsham.

We attended the exhibition in Aylsham town hall where the plans for 300 new homes on one single site were on display. Officers were in attendance who were able to answer certain questions about the proposals, but could not say whether there would be a new doctors surgery to cope with perhaps another 1000 patients, nor adequate school provisions. That was already bad enough, but now we are told that a further 550 homes could be built. This was never consulted on, neither with the public nor apparently with the town council. Can this be legal?
Furthermore, the extra houses would place a completely intolerable burden on existing medical and educational facilities. The extra traffic on the already congested and not very safe A140 between Aylsham and Norwich ( there are certainly no jobs available in Aylsham) would have a seriously detrimental affect on our community.

To sum up, the additional housing does not seem to be legally compliant nor sound, and lacks much needed infrastructure for the area.

Full text:

We would like to register our objection in the strongest possible terms to the proposed extra development in Aylsham.

We attended the exhibition in Aylsham town hall where the plans for 300 new homes on one single site were on display. Officers were in attendance who were able to answer certain questions about the proposals, but could not say whether there would be a new doctors surgery to cope with perhaps another 1000 patients, nor adequate school provisions. That was already bad enough, but now we are told that a further 550 homes could be built. This was never consulted on, neither with the public nor apparently with the town council. Can this be legal?
Furthermore, the extra houses would place a completely intolerable burden on existing medical and educational facilities. The extra traffic on the already congested and not very safe A140 between Aylsham and Norwich ( there are certainly no jobs available in Aylsham) would have a seriously detrimental affect on our community.

To sum up, the additional housing does not seem to be legally compliant nor sound, and lacks much needed infrastructure for the area.