

Representation ID: 23927

Received: 16/03/2021

Respondent: NPS Property Consultants Ltd

Representation Summary:

Norfolk Constabulary support multi-functional green infrastructure plans. The safe access and movement of people through green infra structure in particular is desired and where relevant Norfolk Police would request the adoption of CEPTED (Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design) based on the principles of the police initiative Secure By Design (SBD) to facilitate this. Crime prevention measures such as creating surveillance vistas to aid observations, extra lighting along designated routes/paths should benefit movement by reducing the opportunity for crime and the fear of crime to occur. Central Government place great emphasis on the role of the Police within planning consultations, furthermore National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) gives significant weight to promoting safe communities (in section 8 of the NPPF).

Further provisions that focus on these issues would be welcome to ensure conformity with the NPPF and secure soundness to the Plan

Change suggested by respondent:

In policy 3 and / or its supporting text, further provisions that focus on CEPTED (Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design) based on the principles of the police initiative (SBD) Secure By Design would be welcome.

Full text:

Norfolk Constabulary support multi-functional green infrastructure plans. The safe access and movement of people through green infra structure in particular is desired and where relevant Norfolk Police would request the adoption of CEPTED (Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design) based on the principles of the police initiative Secure By Design (SBD) to facilitate this. Crime prevention measures such as creating surveillance vistas to aid observations, extra lighting along designated routes/paths should benefit movement by reducing the opportunity for crime and the fear of crime to occur. Central Government place great emphasis on the role of the Police within planning consultations, furthermore National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) gives significant weight to promoting safe communities (in section 8 of the NPPF).

Further provisions that focus on these issues would be welcome to ensure conformity with the NPPF and secure soundness to the Plan