

Representation ID: 23929

Received: 16/03/2021

Respondent: NPS Property Consultants Ltd

Number of people: 2

Legally compliant? Yes

Sound? No

Duty to co-operate? Yes

Representation Summary:

The importance and priority to wider strategic infrastructure in the GNLP area is welcomed.

Norfolk Constabulary have significant pressure on resources because of new development and need to ensure that its strategic infrastructure reflects the increased pressure on their resources as a result on growth. Whilst a new strategic site has been identified east of Norwich to address pressures in this part of the Plan area, further pressure has been identified in north / north west Norwich. Therefore, there is a need to provide a new dedicated station / facilities to serve this area, to ensure that the clear aspirations of Policy 2 are met, to ensure the delivery of inclusive, resilient and safe communities.

A key element of police infra-structure required to serve the Greater Norwich area is a new response facility to serve north Norwich (and the associated growth which will come forward to 2038 and beyond). It is essential to meet operational needs that this is provided close to the NDR, north of Norwich, to deliver response policing, plus foster a safe and secure environment and quality of life (and limit crime and disorder and the fear of crime).

This would address the strategic needs of Norfolk Constabulary. Furthermore, this would complement the approach adopted by Norfolk Constabulary, when working with communities on Neighbourhood Plans, where the inclusion of clear reference to the use of developer contributions and / or CIL monies to deliver local initiatives that create safer communities (and reduce crime) is encouraged.

It is therefore essential that the requirements of Norfolk Constabulary are included within the strategic infrastructure element of policy 4 (mirroring the priority given to health requirements). Therefore, the policy should be revised to read as follows

Change suggested by respondent:

The policy should be revised to add reference to police infrastructure and read as follows

The Greater Norwich local authorities and partners including utility companies will work together in relation to the timely delivery of improvements to infrastructure, including that set out in appendix 1 and to:
- The energy supply network including increased capacity at primary substations at Cringleford, Peachman Way, Sprowston and Earlham Grid Local and/or innovative smart solutions to off-set the need for reinforcement;
- Water supply and sewerage network improvements including the waste-water network at Whitlingham water recycling centre, the Yare Valley sewer and elsewhere to protect water quality and designated habitats;
- Police Infrastructure
- Health care infrastructure.

Full text:

The importance and priority to wider strategic infrastructure in the GNLP area is welcomed.

Norfolk Constabulary have significant pressure on resources because of new development and need to ensure that its strategic infrastructure reflects the increased pressure on their resources as a result on growth. Whilst a new strategic site has been identified east of Norwich to address pressures in this part of the Plan area, further pressure has been identified in north / north west Norwich. Therefore, there is a need to provide a new dedicated station / facilities to serve this area, to ensure that the clear aspirations of Policy 2 are met, to ensure the delivery of inclusive, resilient and safe communities.

A key element of police infra-structure required to serve the Greater Norwich area is a new response facility to serve north Norwich (and the associated growth which will come forward to 2038 and beyond). It is essential to meet operational needs that this is provided close to the NDR, north of Norwich, to deliver response policing, plus foster a safe and secure environment and quality of life (and limit crime and disorder and the fear of crime).

This would address the strategic needs of Norfolk Constabulary. Furthermore, this would complement the approach adopted by Norfolk Constabulary, when working with communities on Neighbourhood Plans, where the inclusion of clear reference to the use of developer contributions and / or CIL monies to deliver local initiatives that create safer communities (and reduce crime) is encouraged.

It is therefore essential that the requirements of Norfolk Constabulary are included within the strategic infrastructure element of policy 4 (mirroring the priority given to health requirements). Therefore, the policy should be revised to read as follows