

Representation ID: 23946

Received: 17/03/2021

Respondent: Peter Cutting

Legally compliant? Not specified

Sound? No

Duty to co-operate? Not specified

Representation Summary:

My comments on the GNLP
1. The Norwich Western Link Road should not be in plan
a) not compatible with planned carbon reduction objectives
b) insurmountable planning issues to overcome with Wensum SAC and Habitats Regulations
2. The plan is UNSOUND in the way that it has no coherent policy on climate change, and has no carbon budget for the area
3.The plan is UNSOUND in massively ramping up housing numbers, beyond what the Govt are requiring, and beyond what is environmental sustainable
4. It is UNSOUND as the plan is not balanced "sustainable development" and not consistent with UN Sustainable Development goals to protect the environmental whilst bringing social and economic gains
5. It is UNSOUND in the lack of a comprehensive and detailed evaluation on the impact of these developments on water demand, the effect on the aquifer and dry weather river flows

Full text:

My comments on the GNLP
1. The Norwich Western Link Road should not be in plan
a) not compatible with planned carbon reduction objectives
b) insurmountable planning issues to overcome with Wensum SAC and Habitats Regulations
2. The plan is UNSOUND in the way that it has no coherent policy on climate change, and has no carbon budget for the area
3.The plan is UNSOUND in massively ramping up housing numbers, beyond what the Govt are requiring, and beyond what is environmental sustainable
4. It is UNSOUND as the plan is not balanced "sustainable development" and not consistent with UN Sustainable Development goals to protect the environmental whilst bringing social and economic gains
5. It is UNSOUND in the lack of a comprehensive and detailed evaluation on the impact of these developments on water demand, the effect on the aquifer and dry weather river flows