

Representation ID: 23948

Received: 17/03/2021

Respondent: Robert Gower

Representation Summary:

The Policy 1 approach to windfall housing growth is supported as it provides flexibility to respond to higher economic growth and opportunities for self and custom build housing in accordance with the NPPF's recognition of the important contribution of small sites (NPPF Paragraph 68) and those wishing to build or commission their own homes (NPPF Paragraph 61).

Please refer to separate representations made to Policy 7.4 and 7.5.

Change suggested by respondent:

Point 3 should be amended to read “...of up to 3 or 5 dwellings in all parishes, OR MORE WHERE JUSTIFIED subject to the requirements of policy 7.5” for the reasons explained in our representation to Policy 7.5.

Full text:

Please find attached the following Representation Forms for Policy 1, Policy 7.4, Policy 7.5 and Paragraph 301 of the above consultation document. I have also reattached our Reg 18 Supplement Statement and appendices for reference in support of our representation to Policy 7.4. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you require any further information.
