

Representation ID: 24055

Received: 18/03/2021

Respondent: Salhouse Parish Council

Representation Summary:

Salhouse Parish Council has no objections to this regulation 19 publication, however has some comments below:


It would appear that this regulation will not really affect Salhouse Parish. As Salhouse comes under what is known as village clusters, growth will not substantially affect Salhouse. As the Salhouse Neighbourhood Plan is already in place it really just reinforces what has already been adopted.

Supporting Evidence:

Under Policy 1 - The Sustainable Growth Strategy, the housing growth over the 20 years is split across 4 key areas, with the fourth, "Village Clusters" where Salhouse sits, itself split into two parts (being "Broadland" and "South Norfolk").

In the "Village Clusters" group they are looking for 4220 homes in the 20 years from 2018; the "Broadland" split accounting for approx. 38% of those (1628no.). Of that, 1146 are already identified as a "deliverable commitment" - which is taken to mean they have approved sites to develop. So that leaves just 482 homes across 20 years spread across all of the Broadland "village clusters" – although the analysis does not give a clear indication of the number of these clusters.

As stated, Salhouse already has the Neighbourhood Plan adopted and in use as a planning tool, so the Parish Council has the means at its disposal to do what it can to control the size of development to ensure its appropriateness for the village - Salhouse should/may take its "fair share" of those 482 future homes, but that fair share should be proportional to the village's current size, so one's and two's, possibly 5; certainly not 10's to a hundred of new homes within the village.

Full text:

Salhouse Parish Council has no objections to this regulation 19 publication, however has some comments below:


It would appear that this regulation will not really affect Salhouse Parish. As Salhouse comes under what is known as village clusters, growth will not substantially affect Salhouse. As the Salhouse Neighbourhood Plan is already in place it really just reinforces what has already been adopted.

Supporting Evidence:

Under Policy 1 - The Sustainable Growth Strategy, the housing growth over the 20 years is split across 4 key areas, with the fourth, "Village Clusters" where Salhouse sits, itself split into two parts (being "Broadland" and "South Norfolk").

In the "Village Clusters" group they are looking for 4220 homes in the 20 years from 2018; the "Broadland" split accounting for approx. 38% of those (1628no.). Of that, 1146 are already identified as a "deliverable commitment" - which is taken to mean they have approved sites to develop. So that leaves just 482 homes across 20 years spread across all of the Broadland "village clusters" – although the analysis does not give a clear indication of the number of these clusters.

As stated, Salhouse already has the Neighbourhood Plan adopted and in use as a planning tool, so the Parish Council has the means at its disposal to do what it can to control the size of development to ensure its appropriateness for the village - Salhouse should/may take its "fair share" of those 482 future homes, but that fair share should be proportional to the village's current size, so one's and two's, possibly 5; certainly not 10's to a hundred of new homes within the village.