

Representation ID: 24058

Received: 18/03/2021

Respondent: RG Carter & Drayton Farms Limited

Number of people: 2

Agent: CODE Development Planners Ltd

Legally compliant? No

Sound? No

Duty to co-operate? Not specified

Representation Summary:

Not legally compliant
The approach taken in the assessment of sites and referred to in various site assessment booklets does not represent a transparent, objective or evidence based approach. The GNDP has failed to properly comply with its legal obligation to assess the Reasonable Alternatives on a comparative basis, having regard to a transparent and objective evidence, as is required by The Strategic Environmental Appraisal Directive 2001. (reference Legal Opinion at Appendix 1 of seperate attached representation document).

cc Representation report document

Change suggested by respondent:

The GNDP should prepare proportionate evidence, properly informed by a Sustainability Appraisal and consulted on either to demonstrate the suitability of the proposed allocation sites and contingency site in comparison with other Reasonable Alternative sites or to demonstrate the suitability of sites
GNLP0332R and GNLP0334R as either allocated sites or contingency sites.

Full text:

I attach representation to GNLP Reg 19 submitted on behalf or Drayton Farms Limited and RG Carter Farms Limited.
