

Representation ID: 24069

Received: 19/03/2021

Respondent: R Mason

Number of people: 2

Agent: Pigeon Investment Management Ltd

Legally compliant? Yes

Sound? No

Duty to co-operate? Yes

Representation Summary:

Please see the section addressing Policy 3 in the attached representations submitted on behalf of R Mason in support of the allocation of Land at Rightup Lane, Wymondham (site GNLP0355).

Policy 3 requires that every development will provide at least a 10% gain to biodiversity. Whilst this objective is generally supported, this will clearly place a cost on schemes which has not been considered within the Viability Assessment as required by the PPG (23b-005) and therefore has the potential to prejudice delivery. It will also have a potential land-take implication which could result in reduced delivery of new homes and employment space.

There is potential that this requirement could undermine the deliverability of elements of the GNLP especially given that some development typologies are already identified as being not viable or having marginal viability in Part 5 of the Viability Assessment even without this requirement.

Therefore, this policy requirement may render parts of the GNLP ineffective and is not consistent
with national guidance.

Change suggested by respondent:

Please see the section addressing Policy 3 in the attached representations submitted on behalf of R Mason in support of the allocation of Land at Rightup Lane, Wymondham (Site GNLP0355)

Recommendation: It will be necessary to examine the implications of this requirement in an updated
Viability Assessment and if necessary revise the GNLP accordingly prior to submission.

Full text:

Pigeon Investment Management Ltd (‘Pigeon’) welcome the opportunity to submit representations on the Greater Norwich Local Plan Pre-Submission Draft Strategy Regulation 19 Publication Stage (‘the GNLP’) on behalf of R Mason (‘the Landowner’) in support of the allocation of Land at Rightup Lane, Wymondham (GNLP0355).

Please find attached full representation and an Illustrative Site Layout Plan.
