

Representation ID: 24073

Received: 19/03/2021

Respondent: R Mason

Number of people: 2

Agent: Pigeon Investment Management Ltd

Legally compliant? Yes

Sound? No

Duty to co-operate? Yes

Representation Summary:

Please see the section addressing Policy 7.6 in the attached representations submitted on behalf of R Mason in support of the allocation of Land at Rightup Lane, Wymondham.

Change suggested by respondent:

Please see the section addressing Policy 7.6 in the attached representations submitted on behalf of R Mason in support of the allocation of Land at Rightup Lane, Wymondham

Recommendation: Policy 7.6 should be deleted from the GNLP.

Full text:

Pigeon Investment Management Ltd (‘Pigeon’) welcome the opportunity to submit representations on the Greater Norwich Local Plan Pre-Submission Draft Strategy Regulation 19 Publication Stage (‘the GNLP’) on behalf of R Mason (‘the Landowner’) in support of the allocation of Land at Rightup Lane, Wymondham (GNLP0355).

Please find attached full representation and an Illustrative Site Layout Plan.
