

Representation ID: 24074

Received: 19/03/2021

Respondent: University of East Anglia

Number of people: 2

Agent: Bidwells

Legally compliant? No

Sound? No

Duty to co-operate? Not specified

Representation Summary:

The policy’s objective of encouraging the delivery of Purpose-Built Student Accommodation (PBSA) to support the growth of the University is, in principle, supported.

Away from the UEA campus, the draft policy states that proposals for PBSA will be supported where the need for the development is justified by the current or proposed size of Norwich’s higher education institutions, and the proposals will adhere to a range of criterion.

One of these criterion requires off-campus PBSA to make provision for a policy-compliant proportion of affordable housing that would be expected if the site were developed for general needs housing.

This element of the policy is considered unsound, as PBSA should not be expected to contribute towards affordable housing provision. Paragraph 64 of the NPPF specifies that, where the provision of housing is proposed, at least 10% of the homes should be made available for affordable home ownership. Paragraph 64(b) of the NPPF states that PBSA is exempt from this 10% requirement.

On this basis, to ensure that the policy is justified and consistent with national policy and, therefore, sound, it is recommended that the wording of the policy is revised to recognise that PBSA should not be expected to contribute towards affordable housing provision.

Change suggested by respondent:

Please see the separate sheet appended to this representation.

Full text:

The policy’s objective of encouraging the delivery of Purpose-Built Student Accommodation (PBSA) to support the growth of the University is, in principle, supported.

Away from the UEA campus, the draft policy states that proposals for PBSA will be supported where the need for the development is justified by the current or proposed size of Norwich’s higher education institutions, and the proposals will adhere to a range of criterion.

One of these criterion requires off-campus PBSA to make provision for a policy-compliant proportion of affordable housing that would be expected if the site were developed for general needs housing.

This element of the policy is considered unsound, as PBSA should not be expected to contribute towards affordable housing provision. Paragraph 64 of the NPPF specifies that, where the provision of housing is proposed, at least 10% of the homes should be made available for affordable home ownership. Paragraph 64(b) of the NPPF states that PBSA is exempt from this 10% requirement.

On this basis, to ensure that the policy is justified and consistent with national policy and, therefore, sound, it is recommended that the wording of the policy is revised to recognise that PBSA should not be expected to contribute towards affordable housing provision.
