

Representation ID: 24078

Received: 19/03/2021

Respondent: University of East Anglia

Number of people: 2

Agent: Bidwells

Representation Summary:

On behalf of our clients the University of East Anglia, we support the proposed allocation of Policy GNLP0133-DR – Land Between Suffolk Walk and Bluebell Road, within the Pre-Submission (Reg 19) Joint Local Plan.

A modification to policy wording, specified within Section 6 of this document, outlines the amendment we consider is necessary to achieve legal compliance.

Delivery of the site within the Plan period to 2038 is achievable, and the site remains suitable, available, achievable and viable for the following reasons:

The identification of the site as a draft allocation will help to support the expansion of the UEA, alongside sustaining and enhancing the valuable role which the UEA holds for Norwich and the wider context. The UEA are fully committed to development on this site, and view it as an integral part of meeting the UEA’s future growth requirements.

The site, in its entirety, is owned by the UEA, and there are no leases or restrictive covenants on the site. Consequently, the site is readily available for development.

Based on the suitability assessment above, there are no site-specific constraints which could preclude the delivery of academic and non-academic university related development on the site. Therefore, academic and non-academic development on the site is deemed to be entirely achievable.

We are confident that the delivery of the site is viable having regard to the policy requirements of the draft GNLP and there are no factors that we are aware of, at this moment in time, that could prevent the delivery of the site.

Change suggested by respondent:

To ensure the soundness of the policy wording and associated preamble text, we would suggest that Paragraph 2.39 is revised to delete the following text: 'Since the proposal involves the loss of existing open space, any development must include the opening up of new areas for public access as compensation for this loss'

The University campus, and associated University-owned and managed open spaces, are free for the public to access and enjoy. As the vast majority of University-owned open spaces are not impacted by Policy GNLP0133-DR, it is not considered that this wording is justified or necessary.

Full text:

On behalf of our clients the University of East Anglia, we support the proposed allocation of Policy GNLP0133-DR – Land Between Suffolk Walk and Bluebell Road, within the Pre-Submission (Reg 19) Joint Local Plan.

A modification to policy wording, specified within Section 6 of this document, outlines the amendment we consider is necessary to achieve legal compliance.

Delivery of the site within the Plan period to 2038 is achievable, and the site remains suitable, available, achievable and viable for the following reasons:

The identification of the site as a draft allocation will help to support the expansion of the UEA, alongside sustaining and enhancing the valuable role which the UEA holds for Norwich and the wider context. The UEA are fully committed to development on this site, and view it as an integral part of meeting the UEA’s future growth requirements.

The site, in its entirety, is owned by the UEA, and there are no leases or restrictive covenants on the site. Consequently, the site is readily available for development.

Based on the suitability assessment above, there are no site-specific constraints which could preclude the delivery of academic and non-academic university related development on the site. Therefore, academic and non-academic development on the site is deemed to be entirely achievable.

We are confident that the delivery of the site is viable having regard to the policy requirements of the draft GNLP and there are no factors that we are aware of, at this moment in time, that could prevent the delivery of the site.