

Representation ID: 24081

Received: 19/03/2021

Respondent: M Scott Properties Ltd

Number of people: 2

Agent: Bidwells

Representation Summary:

The GNLP’s approach to providing choice and flexibility in terms of housing growth by accommodating 22% more homes than are needed+ is supported.

The buffer will help maintain the supply and delivery of housing in accordance with the NPPF and specifically the Government’s objective of encouraging authorities to consider more growth than required to meet local housing need, particularly where there is potential for significant economic growth.

The proposed Settlement Hierarchy is fully supported. Norwich and the Urban Fringe, which includes Taverham, is the most sustainable location within the Greater Norwich area and is the focus for significant economic growth. Norwich is the catalyst for economic growth in the area and provides a range of amenities, services and infrastructure to support sustainable housing. Accordingly, it is wholly appropriate and consistent with Government Guidance that it should be identified as the preferred location to accommodate 66% of the housing growth during the period to 2038.

On this basis, the proposed the Policy is considered to be sound.

Full text:

Submitted by Bidwells on behalf of Scott Properties

The GNLP’s approach to providing choice and flexibility in terms of housing growth by accommodating 22% more homes than are needed+ is supported.

The buffer will help maintain the supply and delivery of housing in accordance with the NPPF and specifically the Government’s objective of encouraging authorities to consider more growth than required to meet local housing need, particularly where there is potential for significant economic growth.

The proposed Settlement Hierarchy is fully supported. Norwich and the Urban Fringe, which includes Taverham, is the most sustainable location within the Greater Norwich area and is the focus for significant economic growth. Norwich is the catalyst for economic growth in the area and provides a range of amenities, services and infrastructure to support sustainable housing. Accordingly, it is wholly appropriate and consistent with Government Guidance that it should be identified as the preferred location to accommodate 66% of the housing growth during the period to 2038.

On this basis, the proposed the Policy is considered to be sound.