

Representation ID: 24082

Received: 19/03/2021

Respondent: M Scott Properties Ltd

Number of people: 2

Agent: Bidwells

Legally compliant? Yes

Sound? No

Duty to co-operate? Yes

Representation Summary:

The principle of ensuring that developments are high quality and contribute to delivering inclusive growth in mixed, resilient and sustainable communities, whilst assisting in mitigating and adapting to climate change is supported.

To demonstrate the ability to secure these objectives, we support the preparation of a Sustainability Statement as part of an application for a major development, and, where applicable, the provision of Delivery Statements.

However, whilst principle of the policy is considered sound, amendments are required to the detailed wording of the policy to ensure that, in accordance with the tests set out in paragraph 35 of the NPPF, it is sound. Therefore, minor alterations to Policy GNLP0132 are therefore sought, to ensure its soundness.

The requirement to ensure the efficient use of land by, amongst other things, providing an indicative minimum density of 25 dwellings per hectare is supported, however, the policy should make it clear that, as well as giving consideration to on site characteristics, consideration will be given to a range of other site / scheme specific issues, such as housing mix and design considerations? For example, the inclusion of bungalows within a development to meet an identified need is likely to result in a lower density development.

On this basis, it is considered that, as drafted, the policy is neither positively prepared or justified given that it falls to provide flexibility to enable the policy to respond to changing circumstances and meet identified need.

Change suggested by respondent:

To make the Local Plan sound, criterion 4 of Policy 2 - Sustainable Communities should be revised as follows:

Make efficient use of land with densities dependent on site characteristics and scheme specific considerations, with higher densities and car free housing in the most sustainably accessible locations in Norwich. Indicative minimum net densities are 25 dwellings per hectare across the plan area and 40 in Norwich.

Full text:

Submitted by Bidwells on behalf of Scott Properties.

The principle of ensuring that developments are high quality and contribute to delivering inclusive growth in mixed, resilient and sustainable communities, whilst assisting in mitigating and adapting to climate change is supported.

To demonstrate the ability to secure these objectives, we support the preparation of a Sustainability Statement as part of an application for a major development, and, where applicable, the provision of Delivery Statements.

However, whilst principle of the policy is considered sound, amendments are required to the detailed wording of the policy to ensure that, in accordance with the tests set out in paragraph 35 of the NPPF, it is sound. Therefore, minor alterations to Policy GNLP0132 are therefore sought, to ensure its soundness.

The requirement to ensure the efficient use of land by, amongst other things, providing an indicative minimum density of 25 dwellings per hectare is supported, however, the policy should make it clear that, as well as giving consideration to on site characteristics, consideration will be given to a range of other site / scheme specific issues, such as housing mix and design considerations? For example, the inclusion of bungalows within a development to meet an identified need is likely to result in a lower density development.

On this basis, it is considered that, as drafted, the policy is neither positively prepared or justified given that it falls to provide flexibility to enable the policy to respond to changing circumstances and meet identified need.