

Representation ID: 24083

Received: 19/03/2021

Respondent: M Scott Properties Ltd

Number of people: 2

Agent: Bidwells

Legally compliant? Yes

Sound? No

Duty to co-operate? Yes

Representation Summary:

The strategic objectives in relation to transport, education, energy, water and health infrastructure are generally supported.

In particular, the flexibility the policy provides for the provision of new schools to take account of changing circumstances and allow for the timely delivery of schools when and where they are required, is supported.

Notwithstanding the foregoing, when considering infrastructure provision, consideration should be given to the implications for development viability on some of the larger strategic sites, which have high infrastructure costs associated with their delivery i.e. the requirement to provide schools and health centres on land which otherwise would be land developable for alternative uses and which is required to facilitate growth in the wider area, not just to meet demand generated by the site itself.

The implications for viability on the larger strategic sites should be considered through site specific Viability Appraisals as suggested by paragraph 57 of the Viability Assessment (December 2020).

Change suggested by respondent:

To ensure that strategic infrastructure can be provided through the development of the strategic sites identified in the Local Plan, and that specific sites do not bear a disproportionate burden of infrastructure provision, the policy should be amended to make provision for a reduction in other policy requirements, such as affordable housing, where appropriate and demonstrated to be justified, in order to ensure that developments required to delivery strategic infrastructure are viable.

To ensure that strategic infrastructure, such as primary schools, can be provided through the development of the strategic sites identified in the Local Plan, we consider that site specific viability appraisals should be undertaken to ensure that, notwithstanding the identified infrastructure requirements, the developments are viable. This would ensure a consistent approach with paragraph 57 of the Viability Assessment (December 2020)

The proposed amendment will ensure that the local plan is deliverable over the plan period and, therefore, sound.

Full text:

Submitted by Bidwells on behalf of Scott Properties.

The strategic objectives in relation to transport, education, energy, water and health infrastructure are generally supported.

In particular, the flexibility the policy provides for the provision of new schools to take account of changing circumstances and allow for the timely delivery of schools when and where they are required, is supported.

Notwithstanding the foregoing, when considering infrastructure provision, consideration should be given to the implications for development viability on some of the larger strategic sites, which have high infrastructure costs associated with their delivery i.e. the requirement to provide schools and health centres on land which otherwise would be land developable for alternative uses and which is required to facilitate growth in the wider area, not just to meet demand generated by the site itself.

The implications for viability on the larger strategic sites should be considered through site specific Viability Appraisals as suggested by paragraph 57 of the Viability Assessment (December 2020).