

Representation ID: 24089

Received: 19/03/2021

Respondent: R Brereton Ltd

Number of people: 2

Agent: Mr Magnus Magnusson

Legally compliant? Not specified

Sound? No

Duty to co-operate? Not specified

Representation Summary:

My client's site ought to be included in the GNLP as an allocation. My client's site, referenced GNLP4014 (land east of Fir Covert Road, Taverham) is demonstrably 'suitable' as evidenced by the HELAA (Taverham & Ringland 'booklet', p.37 - Stage 2 HELAA Comparison table). Furthermore, this site is available, achievable and deliverable (and viable). The site can (potentially) accommodate both residential and/or economic development.

We contend that our client’s site (GNLP4014) should be allocated in the GNLP to ensure that it meets the tests of 'soundness' as set out in the National Planning Framework in the following respects:
• Positively prepared – To ensure an appropriate growth strategy for the Urban Area/Fringe (and the wider sub-region) that meets objectively assessed needs and provides sufficient flexibility to respond to any unmet needs from neighbouring areas/Authorities.
• Justified – Provides an appropriate strategy that is commensurate with the Urban Area/Fringe's status in the ‘Spatial Strategy’ (Policy 1) and takes into account a site that is demonstrably ‘suitable’ (sustainable) as evidenced by the HELAA process.
• Effective – Ensuring the GNLP includes a site allocation for the Urban Area/Fringe (Taverham) that is demonstrably deliverable within the plan period.
• Consistent with national policy – Meeting the ‘tests’ of the Framework insofar as plan-making is concerned including the requirements that plans are positively prepared and contain sufficient flexibility to respond to rapid changes in circumstance.

Change suggested by respondent:

Inclusion of site GNLP4014 within the GNLP as an allocation (residential and/or economic development) for the reasons outlined at section 5 above.

Full text:

My client's site ought to be included in the GNLP as an allocation. My client's site, referenced GNLP4014 (land east of Fir Covert Road, Taverham) is demonstrably 'suitable' as evidenced by the HELAA (Taverham & Ringland 'booklet', p.37 - Stage 2 HELAA Comparison table). Furthermore, this site is available, achievable and deliverable (and viable). The site can (potentially) accommodate both residential and/or economic development.

We contend that our client’s site (GNLP4014) should be allocated in the GNLP to ensure that it meets the tests of 'soundness' as set out in the National Planning Framework in the following respects:
• Positively prepared – To ensure an appropriate growth strategy for the Urban Area/Fringe (and the wider sub-region) that meets objectively assessed needs and provides sufficient flexibility to respond to any unmet needs from neighbouring areas/Authorities.
• Justified – Provides an appropriate strategy that is commensurate with the Urban Area/Fringe's status in the ‘Spatial Strategy’ (Policy 1) and takes into account a site that is demonstrably ‘suitable’ (sustainable) as evidenced by the HELAA process.
• Effective – Ensuring the GNLP includes a site allocation for the Urban Area/Fringe (Taverham) that is demonstrably deliverable within the plan period.
• Consistent with national policy – Meeting the ‘tests’ of the Framework insofar as plan-making is concerned including the requirements that plans are positively prepared and contain sufficient flexibility to respond to rapid changes in circumstance.