

Representation ID: 24113

Received: 19/03/2021

Respondent: Gosford Ltd

Number of people: 2

Agent: Woods Hardwick Planning Ltd

Legally compliant? Yes

Sound? No

Duty to co-operate? Yes

Representation Summary:

We consider that the Plan’s approach to accommodating housing growth needs is unsound in respect of two areas:

1. The inclusion of homes delivered through policy 7.5 and windfall allowance within the buffer on housing need; and
2. The distribution of new housing allocations across the defined settlement hierarchy comprising the Norwich urban area, main towns, key service centres and village clusters.
We set out our reasoning below.
The inclusion of policy 7.5 and windfall allowance sites
We agree that a buffer should be applied to the identified minimum housing need figure based on the Government's standard methodology using 2014 based projections and that this should be at least 20%. This is important having regard in particular to the additional growth aspirations associated with the Greater Norwich City Deal; for the reasons set out at paragraph 178 of the draft Plan related to the Government’s housing growth aspirations; and to ensure that there is sufficient flexibility within the plan to cater for any non-delivery of sites and to ensure the Plan delivers on the established minimum housing need. Ensuring sufficient flexibility is particularly important in the context of a Plan where existing commitments and new allocations are focused on larger strategic sites within and around the Norwich Urban areas, which can take longer to come forward than expected.

Please refer to continuation page.

Change suggested by respondent:

We consider that the Plan’s total housing potential figure at Table 6 should exclude homes delivered through policy 7.5 under E and windfall allowance under F and should be made up as follows:

A Local Housing Need (2018 to 2038) - 40,541
B Delivery 2018/2019 and 2019/20 - 5,240
C Existing commitment to be delivered to 2038 – 31,452
D New Allocations – 11,957

Total Housing Potential – 48,649

The Explanation under D should be adjusted to read: ‘These are the homes to be provided on new sites allocated through the GNLP (9,871), the South Norfolk Village Clusters Housing Allocations Plan (1,836) and the Diss and area Neighbourhood Plan (250).’...

Please refer to continuation page.

Full text:

We consider that the Plan’s approach to accommodating housing growth needs is unsound in respect of two areas:

1. The inclusion of homes delivered through policy 7.5 and windfall allowance within the buffer on housing need; and
2. The distribution of new housing allocations across the defined settlement hierarchy comprising the Norwich urban area, main towns, key service centres and village clusters.
We set out our reasoning below.
The inclusion of policy 7.5 and windfall allowance sites
We agree that a buffer should be applied to the identified minimum housing need figure based on the Government's standard methodology using 2014 based projections and that this should be at least 20%. This is important having regard in particular to the additional growth aspirations associated with the Greater Norwich City Deal; for the reasons set out at paragraph 178 of the draft Plan related to the Government’s housing growth aspirations; and to ensure that there is sufficient flexibility within the plan to cater for any non-delivery of sites and to ensure the Plan delivers on the established minimum housing need. Ensuring sufficient flexibility is particularly important in the context of a Plan where existing commitments and new allocations are focused on larger strategic sites within and around the Norwich Urban areas, which can take longer to come forward than expected.

Please refer to continuation page.
