

Representation ID: 24129

Received: 19/03/2021

Respondent: Frontier Agriculture Ltd

Number of people: 2

Agent: Savills (UK) Ltd

Representation Summary:

The Site is proposed to be allocated for residential development in the emerging GNLP, under Site Specific
Policy GNLP0102 (‘the Policy’). This identifies the Site as being suitable for approximately 150 homes.

Our client fully supports the inclusion of the Site within the GNLP and the principle of its allocation for
residential redevelopment. The redevelopment of the Site can help to meet strategic objectives in terms of the
overall provision of new dwellings within the GNLP area as set out in Policy 1 (The Sustainable Growth
Strategy) and Policy 7.2 (The Main Towns). It also reflects its sustainable location, accessibility and
deliverability within the emerging Plan period.

Our client welcomes the flexibility in relation to the total number of homes that the Site could deliver, as provided
by the Policy. This is reiterated at paragraph 4.23 of the Plan, which sets out an indicative capacity of
approximately 150 homes, but recognises that the exact figure will be subject to detailed design and viability
considerations. This position provides appropriate flexibility to ensure that the most appropriate scheme for the Site can come forward, whether this is for a higher or lower quantum of dwellings. It in turn ensures that any
future scheme will make the most appropriate and efficient use of this brownfield site, taking into account design and viability.

The Policy then sets out a range of specific matters to be addressed through any future development scheme.
In particular, none of these represent a constraint on the future delivery of the Site and would be addressed as
part of a future planning application. This includes an assessment of contamination, noise / amenity, surface
water flood risk and archaeology, and a planning application would incorporate details of appropriate mitigation in relation to these matters, where necessary.

The Policy also requires the widening of Sandy Lane and the provision of a cycle / footway, both for the extent
of the site frontage. These can be achieved and the latter in particular will provide for appropriate pedestrian /
cycle facilities to be provided on the frontage of the Site, which in turn will link with the wider existing network
and ensure that facilities in Diss can be easily accessed.

Finally, the Policy now removes the previous requirement within the Regulation 18 Consultation undertaken in
2020, to provide a footway north to Frenze Hall Lane. Its removal is supported by our client and is entirely
justified as there are existing, alternative routes that are a shorter distance and would provide appropriate
pedestrian access to the key facilities in Diss. To support this position, we enclose a Pedestrian Accessibility
Review prepared by Vectos transport consultants, which includes a comparison of distances and walking times
of existing alternative routes, with a route via Frenze Hall Lane. This provides the appropriate evidence to
support the position that such a footway would not be justified and therefore does not need to be included as
part of the site specific policy in order for the plan to be found ‘sound’. Any detailed highways and accessibility requirements can be addressed as part of a future planning application.

See attachment

Change suggested by respondent:

Please see enclosed letter for details of representations.

Full text:

Please find attached representations to the GNLP Reg 19 Consultation on behalf of Frontier Agriculture Ltd.
