

Representation ID: 24137

Received: 20/03/2021

Respondent: Miss Hannah Barker

Number of people: 2

Legally compliant? No

Sound? No

Duty to co-operate? No

Representation Summary:

My partner and I feel very strongly that this has not been appropriately consulted on and therefore the process is not legal or sound.
The new plan is substantially different from the plan consulted on previously and allowing this to go through now would make a mockery of the whole process.
Since consultation, 250 more houses have been added to the plan and there has therefore been no consideration of the views and concerns from the local residents and the town council who know the area.
We have already been subject to a huge amount of development with current sites still being built on and this additional 250 homes, on a different site is a step too far. Should this have been in the initial plan, I am certain more people would have objected.
We do not have the infrastructure in Aylsham to support this huge and rapid growth any therefore I do not consider the decision is sound. I have lived here for years and am still registered at a dentist out of area.
The environmental effects and change to the rural area cannot be underestimated and any changes must go through the correct democratic process before we loose something we can’t replace.

Change suggested by respondent:

The plan should not proceed without a full and transparent process - ie full consultation.

This is the only way that the views of the local residents and local council can be heard and taken into consideration.

Before any additional sites are considered, infrastructure must be dramatically improved and the effects on the carbon footprint and change to the rural area must be fully considered.

Full text:

My partner and I feel very strongly that this has not been appropriately consulted on and therefore the process is not legal or sound.
The new plan is substantially different from the plan consulted on previously and allowing this to go through now would make a mockery of the whole process.
Since consultation, 250 more houses have been added to the plan and there has therefore been no consideration of the views and concerns from the local residents and the town council who know the area.
We have already been subject to a huge amount of development with current sites still being built on and this additional 250 homes, on a different site is a step too far. Should this have been in the initial plan, I am certain more people would have objected.
We do not have the infrastructure in Aylsham to support this huge and rapid growth any therefore I do not consider the decision is sound. I have lived here for years and am still registered at a dentist out of area.
The environmental effects and change to the rural area cannot be underestimated and any changes must go through the correct democratic process before we loose something we can’t replace.