

Representation ID: 24141

Received: 20/03/2021

Respondent: David Pett

Legally compliant? Not specified

Sound? No

Duty to co-operate? Not specified

Representation Summary:

1. This response is submitted on behalf of the Stop the Wensum Link campaign (SWL). SWL comprises ecologists, scientists, lawyers, academics and environmentalists. SWL is supported by concerned individuals, who consider there is no need for the proposed Norwich Western Link (NWL) infrastructure project, and who argue it should be suspended.

2. SWL strongly objects to the inclusion of the NWL within the GNLP (Plan). Interestingly, the Plan purports to exclude the NWL when it is manifestly obvious the intention is to include it (see below). SWL finds this pretence to be wholly objectionable.

See attachment for full response

Full text:

1. This response is submitted on behalf of the Stop the Wensum Link campaign (SWL). SWL comprises ecologists, scientists, lawyers, academics and environmentalists. SWL is supported by concerned individuals, who consider there is no need for the proposed Norwich Western Link (NWL) infrastructure project, and who argue it should be suspended.

2. SWL strongly objects to the inclusion of the NWL within the GNLP (Plan). Interestingly, the Plan purports to exclude the NWL when it is manifestly obvious the intention is to include it (see below). SWL finds this pretence to be wholly objectionable.

See attachment for full response
