

Representation ID: 24147

Received: 21/03/2021

Respondent: Fiona Scott

Legally compliant? No

Sound? No

Duty to co-operate? Not specified

Representation Summary:

I am writing to object to the to Regulation 19 of the GNLP for Broadland.
This latest plan does not appear to be legal, sound or justified.

• Illegality - There has been no consultation on Reg. 19, no attempts to engagae with community and stakeholder bodies. Regulation 18 was consulted on regrading the proposed building of 300 new homes, but Regulation 19, which has increased the proposed new homes to 550, has not, and it seems apparent that the only people who responded positively to the original Re. 18 plans were the developers.
• Unsoundness and Lack of Justification
o No attempt has been made to consult on the impact on the town’s infrastructure or carbon footprint, nor to the damage to the existing medieval and elizabethan buildings, which are already being adversely affected by the volume of traffic.
o No attempt appears to have been made to liaise with adjoining North Norfolk Council, with regard to school provision, and to meet health and social care needs.
o The proposed ’new’ school does not appear to have to be built before the new houses.

Aylsham Town Council have submitted a full and comprehensive document laying out tthe objections to Regulation 19, and rather than repeat all the arguments that they have specified so clearly, I would like to add my name to the objections, and endorse and support everything the Town Council have written.

Full text:

I am writing to object to the to Regulation 19 of the GNLP for Broadland.
This latest plan does not appear to be legal, sound or justified.

• Illegality - There has been no consultation on Reg. 19, no attempts to engagae with community and stakeholder bodies. Regulation 18 was consulted on regrading the proposed building of 300 new homes, but Regulation 19, which has increased the proposed new homes to 550, has not, and it seems apparent that the only people who responded positively to the original Re. 18 plans were the developers.
• Unsoundness and Lack of Justification
o No attempt has been made to consult on the impact on the town’s infrastructure or carbon footprint, nor to the damage to the existing medieval and elizabethan buildings, which are already being adversely affected by the volume of traffic.
o No attempt appears to have been made to liaise with adjoining North Norfolk Council, with regard to school provision, and to meet health and social care needs.
o The proposed ’new’ school does not appear to have to be built before the new houses.

Aylsham Town Council have submitted a full and comprehensive document laying out tthe objections to Regulation 19, and rather than repeat all the arguments that they have specified so clearly, I would like to add my name to the objections, and endorse and support everything the Town Council have written.