

Representation ID: 24190

Received: 22/03/2021

Respondent: William Young

Number of people: 2

Agent: Mr Jon Jennings

Legally compliant? Yes

Sound? No

Duty to co-operate? Yes

Representation Summary:

These representations have been prepared by Cheffins Planning on behalf of William Young. They relate on to the site reference GNLP0287 which is being promoting a 12.85ha site for approximately 250 dwellings and 2.35ha of public open space for recreation and leisure at land north of Marriots Way, Alysham. These representations provide comments in relation to the assessment of the site made in the HELAA Comparison Table and the Stage 6 – Detailed Assessment of Reasonable Alternative Sites. These representations also need viewed in conjunction with the detailed representations and masterplan submitted in connection with the Regulation 18 consultation.

These representations have also assessed and compared GNLP0287 against those identified for allocation, namely, sites GNLP0311, GNLP0595 and GNLP0260. It is also important to note that this site has more positive scores than any of the sites identified for allocation in the Stage 2 – HELAA comparison table.
It is noted that GNLP0287 has been given an amber score for site access. This is a contradiction of the comments made by Norfolk County Council where they have advised that the site is suitable for development subject to access being via St Michael’s Avenue and improvements to Marriotts Way. However, the comments made by Norfolk County Council are incorrect and the main vehicular access will be from the newly constructed housing development to the south of the site, with this access joining the B1145 Cawston Road via a new roundabout. The access road runs along the western site boundary and will therefore have little impact on the amenity of the dwellings within the Willow Park development.

Please refer to continuation sheet

Change suggested by respondent:

The are clear inaccuracies in the assessment of this site, in particular with regards to the access arrangements. In addition, there are benefits arising from this site in terms of recreation and health care which have not been considered. Also there is a need for consideration being given to the level of development being apportioned to towns as they have a track record of delivering housing in a timely manner.

Full text:

These representations have been prepared by Cheffins Planning on behalf of William Young. They relate on to the site reference GNLP0287 which is being promoting a 12.85ha site for approximately 250 dwellings and 2.35ha of public open space for recreation and leisure at land north of Marriots Way, Alysham. These representations provide comments in relation to the assessment of the site made in the HELAA Comparison Table and the Stage 6 – Detailed Assessment of Reasonable Alternative Sites. These representations also need viewed in conjunction with the detailed representations and masterplan submitted in connection with the Regulation 18 consultation.

These representations have also assessed and compared GNLP0287 against those identified for allocation, namely, sites GNLP0311, GNLP0595 and GNLP0260. It is also important to note that this site has more positive scores than any of the sites identified for allocation in the Stage 2 – HELAA comparison table.
It is noted that GNLP0287 has been given an amber score for site access. This is a contradiction of the comments made by Norfolk County Council where they have advised that the site is suitable for development subject to access being via St Michael’s Avenue and improvements to Marriotts Way. However, the comments made by Norfolk County Council are incorrect and the main vehicular access will be from the newly constructed housing development to the south of the site, with this access joining the B1145 Cawston Road via a new roundabout. The access road runs along the western site boundary and will therefore have little impact on the amenity of the dwellings within the Willow Park development.

Please refer to continuation sheet