

Representation ID: 24248

Received: 22/03/2021

Respondent: Alfred Charles Homes Limited

Number of people: 2

Agent: Brown & Co

Legally compliant? No

Sound? No

Duty to co-operate? Not specified

Representation Summary:

It is considered that the draft Plan is unsound, as the strategy proposed is neither justified nor effective. The site at Farmland Road, Costessey, offers an appropriate opportunity to deliver growth in a manner that is appropriate to the sustainable objectives of the emerging Local Plan and NPPF. By undertaking a limited form of development on this site in a sustainable manner it would support the emerging Local Plan in paving the way for the region to become the UK leader in clean growth whilst raising the standards for design and placemaking.

The GNLP in its current form is not considered to be sound as the strategy fails to adequately deliver on the overall purpose of the plan, in particular addressing the challenges of climate change and supporting ambitious local and national targets for carbon neutrality. The proposed distribution of growth is not thought to be suitably forward thinking to facilitate the transition to a post-carbon economy or to create truly beautiful places or spaces. The draft GNLP recognises the need to deal with the challenges of climate change and carbon neutrality and adapt accordingly, however it seeks to deliver growth through a traditional delivery model which perpetuates inappropriate development.

Additionally, the strategy is considered to be ineffective as there is a significant reliance upon sites which have failed to deliver during the current plan period, with some sites having been originally allocated in previous iterations of the Local Plan, dating as far back as 2004. Continuing to roll forward sites which have failed to deliver in line with the housing trajectory places the strategy for growth at risk and undermines the Plan led approach. Insufficient evidence has been provided to demonstrate the ability of
these, and other sites, to deliver within this plan period, with a number of sites having no promoter or developer on board.

A limited form of development led by the green credentials of the locality would result in tangible
benefits for the community and provide housing in a holistic and sustainable way in order to create a
vibrant and resilient community and support the move to a post-carbon economy. Government has recognised the role that residential development can have in achieving sustainability and creating communities, where there is no choice between quality and quantity and green spaces amount to more than token verges and squares. Provision of significant open space in the Tud river valley area, would create a significant area of green space, something which has become more important than ever in light of the pandemic. The relationship of the site with the existing services and facilities in the area will result in a sustainable form of development that will contribute significant benefits to the area

Please see attachment for full representation

Change suggested by respondent:

Please see attached representations

Full text:

Brown & Co are instructed by Alfred Charles Homes Limited to respond to the pre-submission draft Greater Norwich Local Plan.

It is considered that the draft Plan is unsound, as the strategy proposed is neither justified nor effective. The site at Farmland Road, Costessey, offers an appropriate opportunity to deliver growth in a manner that is appropriate to the sustainable objectives of the emerging Local Plan and NPPF. By undertaking a limited form of development on this site in a sustainable manner it would support the emerging Local Plan in paving the way for the region to become the UK leader in clean growth whilst raising the standards for design and placemaking.

Please see attachment for full representation
