

Representation ID: 24260

Received: 22/03/2021

Respondent: Hingham Town Council

Legally compliant? No

Sound? No

Duty to co-operate? No

Representation Summary:

During the regulation 18C consultation a comprehensive submission was made by Hingham Town Council raising objection some sites being deemed as unsuitable
for development and not being put forward for consultation as reasonable alternatives. With specific reference to the site assessments, the Town Council consider that there are a number of contradictions within the site assessments, the conclusion of sites put forward for housing development and the decisions on some
sites to be deemed unsuitable, are extremely flawed and not based on proportionate evidence.

Of the sites consulted on during the Regulation 18C consultation, as previously stated the Town Council and residents consider GNLP0520 unsuitable for
development and objections were made against the site as a preferred option. Objections were also made against the following sites being deemed unsuitable
and not being put forward for consultation as “reasonable alternatives”: GNLP0298 and GNLP 0335, GNLP0501 and GNLP0502.

The Town Council in their regulation 18C representation expressed that these options should be further explored. With regard to GNLP0501 and 0502 there was
a potential for community benefit, if additional land for the sports centre could have been incorporated with highway access being achievable via land owned by the Town Council. It is understood that the landowner is not pursuing development of GNLP0501 and GNLP0502 at this time, therefore this representation will not
make further reference to these sites.

With regard to GNLP0298 and GNLP0335 (the same developer is promoting both sites), although housing numbers proposed are a concern, the development of
these sites would offer the future community benefit of a community woodland and the access link to land which could have a potential to help achieve the
aspirations of the community and Town Council by providing an area of land (GNLP0395) which could be utilised for improving Hingham’s infrastructure/facilities.
It is recognised that any development on agricultural land will have an initial negative impact on biodiversity and wildlife. NPPF 174b states plans should “pursue
opportunities for securing measurable net gains for biodiversity”. The allocation of GNLP0520 and GNLP0503, when judged against the proposal of delivering a community woodland in conjunction with GNLP0298 and GNLP0335, is contrary to NPPF para 174b.

As already demonstrated the Town Council consider the allocation of GNLP0520 and GNLP0503 in the GNLP to be unsound, and therefore the GNLP should not be
adopted with the inclusion of either site.

Due to the GNLP rejection of other sites promoted, no other sites in Hingham have been subject to public consultation as reasonable alternatives/sites with the
potential for being developed. Therefore, residents have not made their views known via the consultation process in relation to the potential of GNLP0298 and
GNLP0335 as housing allocation. Of the sites submitted (and remaining available) GNLP0298 and GNLP0335 would appear to offer an alternative to GNLP0520,
however residents views, such as submitted to the Town Council (evidence 3a) should be sought.
The GNLP is not justified, it has not fully taken into taking into account reasonable alternatives and the decisions to include GNLP0520 /GNLP0503 and reject
alternatives sites is not based on proportionate evidence.

Please see the document :
HTC Greater Norwich Local Plan Regulation 19 Consultation Response
for detailed representations and evidence

Change suggested by respondent:

Removal of site GNLP0503 from the GNLP in accordance with the landowners wishes.
Removal of GNLP0503 due to undeliverability of the site due to the caveat ….” subject to provision of a safe access and a continuous footway at the west side of
Dereham Road from the site access to Pottles Alley”.
Removal of the 20 dwellings from the housing numbers specified for Hingham/Reconsider the housing numbers allocated for Hingham/Reconsult to allow for an
alternative site to come forward.
Proper regard should be given to the representations made in opposition to GNLP0520 being allocated for development, especially with regard to flooding issues,
potential impact on historical heritage, the protection of valued landscape, the adequacy of footway links and proximity to ALL of the town’s facilities.
GNLP0520 should be removed from the plan.
Reconsider the housing numbers allocated for Hingham/Reconsult to allow for an alternative site to come forward and for representations to be made.44
Consideration MUST be given to if a site would provide a benefit alongside the proposed housing development, and if it would enable opportunity to achieve the
aspirations of the community/town council for “future proofing” Hingham to be able to provide facilities to a growing community.

Allocations of any sites should be based on firm evidence that proposals made in order to mitigate, are actually feasible and achievable.

Please see the document :
HTC Greater Norwich Local Plan Regulation 19 Consultation Response
for detailed representations and evidence

Full text:

Please see the document :
HTC Greater Norwich Local Plan Regulation 19 Consultation Response
for detailed representations and evidence
Representation 1 -
Site specific – relating to GNLP0503
Representation regarding the inclusion in the GNLP of (Land north of Springfield Way and west of Dereham
Road) GNLP0503, for develop of approximately 20 homes
Representations 2
Site specific GNLP0520
Representation regarding the inclusion in the GNLP of “Land south of Norwich Road, Hingham GNLP0520”
Representation 3
With regard to the site selection process:
The rejection of sites as reasonable alternatives, therefore no reasonable alternatives were put forward for the Regulation 18c consultation.
Representation 4
Regarding the plan making process
Representation 5
Policy 5.36. Two sites are allocated providing for at least 100 new homes in the key service centre (one for 80 homes, one for 20 homes). There are no carried forward residential allocations and a total of 20 additional dwellings with planning permission on small sites. This gives a total deliverable housing commitment for the key service centre of 120 homes between 2018 – 2038.
Representation 6 - Infrastructure requirements
Representation 7 - Settlement map
Representation 8 - Green Infrastructure Study
Representation 9 - Equality Impact Assessment