

Representation ID: 24261

Received: 22/03/2021

Respondent: Rosconn Group

Legally compliant? No

Sound? No

Duty to co-operate? Not specified

Representation Summary:

In summary, RSL objects to Policy 1 on the basis that further consideration should be given to directing a greater proportion of the residual housing requirement
through new allocations towards the Main Towns and Key Service Centres, particularly those that are located outside the SGA, in order to enable the sustainability benefits of housing growth to be distributed more widely and fairly. Settlements such as Long Stratton and Aylsham for instance play a wider role in serving a principally rural hinterland and growth can assist in maintaining and enhancing services and facilities and delivery of affordable housing to meet local needs that these wider rural communities are reliant on. This approach would remain aligned with the preferred growth option of directing the majority of growth around the Norwich Urban Area and within the SGA, whilst allowing a greater level of dispersal to support thriving rural communities as well as flexibility. Such an approach will also be more deliverable than the current “all the eggs in one basket” approach where almost all of the growth is directed to the Norwich Urban Area / SGA with very little being directed to highly-sustainable settlements
elsewhere within the plan area.

See attachment for full representation (section 2)

Change suggested by respondent:

Please see attachment for full representation (section 2)

Full text:

For Rosconn Strategic Land, please find attached the following documents and information:

1. Duly completed representation form
2. Representations to relevant policies of the GNLP and relevant parts of the evidence base
3. Site delivery statements including high level transport review note for Land South of Flowerpot Lane, Long Stratton (HELAA Ref. 4033/34)