

Representation ID: 24284

Received: 22/03/2021

Respondent: Norwich Apex Limited

Number of people: 2

Agent: Lanpro Services Ltd

Legally compliant? Yes

Sound? No

Duty to co-operate? Yes

Representation Summary:

In respect of emerging 'Policy 6 - The Economy' in the Reg 19 plan, it is notable that there is very little new land being allocated within the strategic employment sites with a lot of the older sites ‘rolled over’ into the employment land supply. In combination, KES/GNLP0497 and GNLP3047 would amount to circa 27 hectares of employment land in a sustainable location, with good access to the highway network, but also proximate to Norwich Ccentre (with associated and emerging sustainable transport links). Additionally, site specific infrastructure is coming forward. GNLP3047 provides the opportunity to contribute to delivering the employment objectives of the emerging GNLP and specifically Policy 6, and should be included in the plan.

See supporting letter and previous reps from March 2020 accompanying this form.

Change suggested by respondent:

As noted above, the allocation of additional land at Keswick to the south of KES2 will support the plan in delivering on its employment objectives.

The land identified as GNLP3047 should be included in the plan.

Full text:

In respect of emerging 'Policy 6 - The Economy' in the Reg 19 plan, it is notable that there is very little new land being allocated within the strategic employment sites with a lot of the older sites ‘rolled over’ into the employment land supply. In combination, KES/GNLP0497 and GNLP3047 would amount to circa 27 hectares of employment land in a sustainable location, with good access to the highway network, but also proximate to Norwich Ccentre (with associated and emerging sustainable transport links). Additionally, site specific infrastructure is coming forward. GNLP3047 provides the opportunity to contribute to delivering the employment objectives of the emerging GNLP and specifically Policy 6, and should be included in the plan.

See supporting letter and previous reps from March 2020 accompanying this form.