

Representation ID: 24286

Received: 22/03/2021

Respondent: Barnham Broom Golf and Country Club

Agent: Cornerstone Planning Ltd

Legally compliant? Yes

Sound? No

Duty to co-operate? Yes

Representation Summary:

It is acknowledged that the scale and spatial distribution of housing across Greater Norwich needs to be determined by consideration of need, constraint and capacity. However, what a preferred approach must also do - fundamentally – is seek to address where and how people might choose to live (in essence, to provide a supply where there is demand) within the area, as we contemplate the future needs of and impact upon communities. We understand a Greater Norwich-wide needs assessment seeks to address demand within it, if housing delivery (in meeting all identified needs) is to be successful.

We also acknowledge that constraints in an area mean that a hierarchical/settlement-based approach should not be cast aside in favour of unconstrained development in places where most people would like to live. However, housing choice – in locational and housing type terms – should not be overlooked. For a development to be sustainable, apart from anything else, it is essential that residents choose where to move to, that their daily needs are conveniently accessible, and local services can accommodate and benefit from the expanded community created.

The published Central Norfolk SHMA, part 2 (chapter 8 of which addresses Housing for Older People) highlights that there is a structural inadequacy in suitable housing for the ‘retirement+’ market, with demand in 20 years expected to be as much as 5x the current provision. With purpose-designed and serviced housing it has been proven that independent living (providing higher levels of mental health and personal wellbeing) can be extended and supplemented by assisted living, so that nursing and elderly care requirements are contained to end of life. Revised Government policy/Guidance places an increased emphasis on this.

Paragraph 60 refers to the need for the Plan to “support the delivery of housing suitable for older people and support active retirement.” Barnham Broom Golf & Country Club’s proposals for a retirement village associated with the established and growing ‘hub’ of facilities - to create a diverse and sustainable community - would address and meet such requirements.

(Please refer to previous - attached - submission for further details)

In failing to address this, we contend that the Plan is unsound.

Change suggested by respondent:

Acknowledgement in the Plan of the need for a more diverse, flexible and innovative approach to providing specialist 'retirement' housing is necessary to make the Plan sound, together with a specific identification/allocation of the site for specialist housing, in Part 2 of the Plan.

Full text:

Representation relating Para 60, 275 and Policy 5
