

Representation ID: 24290

Received: 22/03/2021

Respondent: Gladman Developments

Legally compliant? Not specified

Sound? No

Duty to co-operate? Not specified

Representation Summary:

Please find attached the representations of Gladman in response to the Reg 19 Pre-submission Draft consultation.

Policy 2 – Sustainable Communities

4.3.1 This policy seeks to ensure that the design of development is of high quality, contributes to the establishment and maintenance of resilient and inclusive communities, promotes low carbon development and helps to address climate change. Table 8 sets out the key issues addressed by Policy 2, which include access to services and facilities, new technologies, green infrastructure, densities, local character, travel, inclusive and safe communities, resource efficiency and pollution, water and energy.

4.3.2 Gladman supports the principle of developments making effective use of land and that densities should be dependent upon on-site characteristics with higher densities in the most sustainable locations. The policy stipulates that indicative minimum net densities are 25
dwellings per hectare across the plan area and 40 in Norwich. Gladman submits that higher densities applied to the proposed allocations should be applied with caution unless specific evidence has been provided from the developer, landowner or promoter to support delivery.
If the higher densities are not achieved on the draft allocations, there is a risk to the delivery of the strategy within the GNLP.

Change suggested by respondent:

Please find attached the representations of Gladman in response to the Reg 19 Pre-submission Draft consultation. See section 4.3 for comments regarding Policy 2

Full text:

Please find attached the representations of Gladman in response to the Reg 19 Pre-submission Draft consultation.
