

Representation ID: 24299

Received: 22/03/2021

Respondent: Matt Hall

Agent: Lanpro Services Ltd

Legally compliant? Yes

Sound? No

Duty to co-operate? Yes

Representation Summary:

The Local Plan is unsound as it fails to provide for sufficient growth aspirations beyond 2026 in a Main Town and allocates a site which could result in substantial harm to Grade 1 Listed buildings, when there are better alternatives; including discounted site GNLP4023, North of London Road, Wymondham

See attached

Change suggested by respondent:

Increase in housing delivery in Wymondham (Main Town) beyond 2026.
Deallocation of Policy GNLP0354R: Land at Johnson's Farm, Wymondham
Allocation of GNLP4023, North of London Road, Wymondham

Full text:

The Local Plan is unsound as it fails to provide for sufficient growth aspirations beyond 2026 in a Main Town and allocates a site which could result in substantial harm to Grade 1 Listed buildings, when there are better alternatives; including discounted site GNLP4023, North of London Road, Wymondham

Please find a representation attached.
