

Representation ID: 24353

Received: 22/03/2021

Respondent: Fuel Properties Ltd

Agent: Iceni Projects Ltd

Legally compliant? Not specified

Sound? No

Duty to co-operate? Not specified

Representation Summary:

Policy 1 – The Sustainable Growth Strategy
2.1 We broadly support the overall quantum of development being planned for between 2018 and 2038,
with the anticipated delivery of 49,492 new homes providing a reasonable buffer above the identified
need of 40,550 homes.
2.2 We would however recommend that the policy clearly identifies the housing requirement against which delivery will be measured. Whilst the policy text identifies the housing need and the number of homes planned for, it is not clear what the housing requirement will be for the Plan period. Therefore we consider that Policy 1 should be amended to include explicit reference to the housing requirement, both for the 20 year Plan period as a whole and on an annualised basis.
2.3 In terms of the growth strategy identified in the policy, we support the intention to focus growth in the most sustainable locations, and particularly in the Norwich urban area. The redevelopment of the former Carrow Works site has the potential to deliver some 2,000 new homes towards the identified housing need for Greater Norwich, as well as employment space accommodating approximately 1,500 jobs, in a sustainable location to the southeast of the City Centre.

See attachment for full representation.

Change suggested by respondent:

See attachment.

Full text:

On behalf of our client, Fuel Properties (Norwich) Ltd, we provide our comments on the Greater Norwich Plan Pre-Submission Draft Strategy (Regulation 19 Publication Stage), published for consultation in February 2021.

Fuel Properties (Norwich) Ltd are the developers of the Carrow Works site in east Norwich, which is identified in the emerging Greater Norwich Local Plan as being within the East Norwich Strategic Regeneration Area. The wider Regeneration Area has the potential to deliver some 4,000 new homes and 6,000 jobs, and will act as a catalyst for longer term regeneration of the wider area. The Carrow Works site comprises an important and substantial part of the East Norwich Strategic Regeneration Area and provides a significant opportunity to deliver growth for Norwich City the Greater Norwich

Our client welcomes the opportunity to provide comments on the emerging Greater Norwich Local Plan and to work collaboratively with the authority and key stakeholders as the plan progresses.

See attachment for full representation.
