

Representation ID: 24356

Received: 22/03/2021

Respondent: Fuel Properties Ltd

Agent: Iceni Projects Ltd

Legally compliant? Not specified

Sound? No

Duty to co-operate? Not specified

Representation Summary:

Policy 5 – Homes
2.13 We support the recognition within Policy 5 that brownfield sites are subject to particular costs and
constraints and thus may not be able to provide the full portion of affordable housing generally expected by policy. In particular the cost of remediating contamination, delivering infrastructure and working with constraints such as heritage assets will need to be carefully assessed in relation to key regeneration opportunities such as the former Carrow Works site, with due consideration given to the level of affordable housing it would be viable to deliver whilst achieving the various other aims and policy requirements for the site. It is anticipated that further details on such matters will be provided through the masterplanning exercise currently being progressed for East Norwich Strategic Regeneration Area.
2.14 In relation to specialist accommodation, the former Carrow Works site has the potential to include an
element of accommodation for older people, and the text of Policy 5 would support this provision. We would also recommend that other types of specialist accommodation are addressed in the policy, in particular purpose-built accommodation for rent (Build-to-Rent/ PRS). The 2017 SHMA indicates that the rate of increase of PRS has been significant in recent years, with 45% growth in Central Norfolk between 2001 and 2011. Accordingly, inclusion of reference to supporting the delivery of PRS/ Buildto-Rent development in Policy 5 would ensure sufficient provision is made for different elements of
housing need within the market.

See attachment for full representation

Change suggested by respondent:

See attachment for full representation

Full text:

On behalf of our client, Fuel Properties (Norwich) Ltd, we provide our comments on the Greater Norwich Plan Pre-Submission Draft Strategy (Regulation 19 Publication Stage), published for consultation in February 2021.

Fuel Properties (Norwich) Ltd are the developers of the Carrow Works site in east Norwich, which is identified in the emerging Greater Norwich Local Plan as being within the East Norwich Strategic Regeneration Area. The wider Regeneration Area has the potential to deliver some 4,000 new homes and 6,000 jobs, and will act as a catalyst for longer term regeneration of the wider area. The Carrow Works site comprises an important and substantial part of the East Norwich Strategic Regeneration Area and provides a significant opportunity to deliver growth for Norwich City the Greater Norwich

Our client welcomes the opportunity to provide comments on the emerging Greater Norwich Local Plan and to work collaboratively with the authority and key stakeholders as the plan progresses.

See attachment for full representation.
