

Representation ID: 24359

Received: 22/03/2021

Respondent: A Bond

Number of people: 2

Agent: Mrs Nicole Wright

Legally compliant? Yes

Sound? No

Duty to co-operate? Yes

Representation Summary:

Submitted on behalf of landowner

Policy 7.4 - Village Clusters

This policy is not positively prepared justified or compliant with national policy. It is not effective. It does not address the need to prioritise brownfield sites ahead of greenfield for provision of new homes. The policy needs to be broadened to consider the provision of new homes on brownfield sites that may be within a hamlet but situated to meet the needs of our rural communities. The regeneration of such sites, especially where supported by local parish councils, could have a huge impact on making the countryside more beautiful in line with new national policy. It would also help to reduce carbon emissions enabling families to remain in villages where they have long established links.

Although this policy is welcomed and supported, it needs to provide more detail of the criteria for assessment under the policy. It is not effective without this.

Change suggested by respondent:

Policy 7.4

The policy should take account of brownfield and other potentially suitable development sites that may not be located within or adjacent to settlement limits taking heed of paragraph 84 of the National Planning Policy Framework.

Policy 7.5

Criteria for assessment to be added. For instance, brownfield sites being prioritised.

There should be reference made to the importance of local standards of beauty, quality and design under the new rules which came into effect on 30 January 2021, the national model design code and any local design codes which might be in place.

Full text:

Policy 7.4 - Village Clusters

This policy is not positively prepared justified or compliant with national policy. It is not effective. It does not address the need to prioritise brownfield sites ahead of greenfield for provision of new homes. The policy needs to be broadened to consider the provision of new homes on brownfield sites that may be within a hamlet but situated to meet the needs of our rural communities. The regeneration of such sites, especially where supported by local parish councils, could have a huge impact on making the countryside more beautiful in line with new national policy. It would also help to reduce carbon emissions enabling families to remain in villages where they have long established links.

Although this policy is welcomed and supported, it needs to provide more detail of the criteria for assessment under the policy. It is not effective without this.