

Representation ID: 24403

Received: 22/03/2021

Respondent: Trustees of Richard Gurney Children's Settlement

Agent: Mrs Nicole Wright

Legally compliant? Yes

Sound? No

Duty to co-operate? Yes

Representation Summary:

The GNLP has admirable ambitions regarding the delivery of Green Infrastructure, however the proposed allocations do not reflect the policy aspirations of the plan resulting in this not being effective or deliverable in conflict with policy 35 of the NPPF. The NPPF, echoes the GNLP through placing a great emphasis on not only the preservation of existing green infrastructure, but also on the creation of new more accessible green infrastructure.

Policy 2 requires the following key sustainable development objectives to be met:
- Provision of accessible social and community infrastructure
- Making more effective use of land
- Contributions to multi-functional green infrastructure links
- Provision of safe and accessible open spaces available to all ages encouraging walking and cycling, increased opportunities for social interaction and for living healthier, more active lifestyles.

However, the plan is not effective in achieving the requirements of Policy 2. In particular, at Sprowston, where insufficient land has been allocated (and insufficient provision made in the new allocation) to take account of the economic, housing and open space needs of all ages.

Change suggested by respondent:

The evidence base needs to be brought up-to-date.

At Sprowston, a new site needs to be identified to provide a LEAP and more accessible public open space in the form of a local park and garden.

Proposed policies should actively support developments that would link existing areas of green infrastructure (GI) and require the provision of POS and GI where possible to link and interconnect with existing provision nearby. Additionally, it is considered that proposed allocations should set an exemplary way forward, aligning the policies for future developments to achieve this. As such, allocations should be promoted that contribute to the creation of new links between existing GI and contribute to an area-wide green infrastructure network. For example, the land at the Sprowston Sports and Social Club, surrounded by allocation GT5 in the Growth Triangle Area Action Plan would see the linking of an existing natural woodland, with a new proposed community park and garden, which could then link into the new playing fields/skate park being proposed in the south western edge of GT5. Such a proposal would exemplify the policy aspirations of linking existing Green Infrastructure into a more local network, whilst also providing new, much needed POS as highlighted by the Open Space Assessment for Sprowston.

Full text:

This representation is submitted by Le Ronde Wright on behalf of the Trustees of site at Sprowston Sports and Social Club.

This submission relates to Policy 1, Policy 2 & 3, Policy 5 and paragraphs 275 to 277, and Policy 6. See summaries for detail.