

Representation ID: 24438

Received: 22/03/2021

Respondent: Mrs Angela Quinn

Legally compliant? Not specified

Sound? No

Duty to co-operate? Not specified

Representation Summary:

I wish to register my strong disapproval of the cavalier way with which Reg 19 of the proposed Aylsham plan has been included without warning or consultation with the Parish Council and/or the residents of Aylsham. This is absolutely not acceptable, Particularly in view of the approved development (Egg 18) and the extra impact on the town's infrastructure - which is already overburdened . Should Reg 19 be approved, the thought of both being built at the same time almost beggars belief, the disruption to the normal life of the town would be terrible.

Full text:

I wish to register my strong disapproval of the cavalier way with which Reg 19 of the proposed Aylsham plan has been included without warning or consultation with the Parish Council and/or the residents of Aylsham. This is absolutely not acceptable, Particularly in view of the approved development (Egg 18) and the extra impact on the town's infrastructure - which is already overburdened . Should Reg 19 be approved, the thought of both being built at the same time almost beggars belief, the disruption to the normal life of the town would be terrible.