

Representation ID: 24441

Received: 22/04/2021

Respondent: Trustees of First Viscount Mackintosh of Halifax and Trustees of CM Watt Residual Trust

Agent: La Ronde Wright

Legally compliant? Yes

Sound? No

Duty to co-operate? Yes

Representation Summary:

Regarding the GNLPs response to point 6: 6 Increased risk of urbanisation of the open countryside and coalescence. A total of 84 allocated sites are located on previously developed land in the open countryside of Greater Norwich. The proposed development within the GNLP in these locations would be expected to increase the risk of urbanisation of the countryside and coalescence.

It is important to undertake a new review of the strategic gaps and other areas between settlements at risk of coalescence to provide an up-to-date evidence base to inform new allocations. As such, with a lack of a review regarding the Strategic Gap, especially in light of the new strategic infrastructure works, it is considered that the GNLP is not justified regarding an appropriate strategy, taking into account the reasonable alternatives, and based on proportionate evidence and therefore conflicting with paragraph 35 of the NPPF.

Change suggested by respondent:

It is considered that a review into strategic gaps and coalescence should be undertaken. An initial assessment has been completed for the Hethersett- Cringleford strategic gap. A copy is enclosed with this representation. From this we can see that development can be accommodated safely within the identified areas without impacting upon or resulting in coalescence between the two settlements. This would open up highly sustainable land, with a wealth of public benefits and opportunities. As a consequence of this, it is considered that the allocation of small sites within the originally proposed area identified as Hethersett GNLP0177-BR would be sustainable. This has been further evidenced through the procurement of a Parkland Management Plan for the site that would result in a strong preservation and enhancement of not only the historic assets but also the natural assets of the site whilst introducing new community and social infrastructure and opportunities for outdoor leisure and recreation through the creation of permission footpaths and access to the Parkland.

Full text:

Please find attached representations in relation to the GNLP Regulation 19 consultation with regard to site GNLP0177-B. These representations are submitted by Le Ronde Wright Limited on behalf of the Trustees of the site.

This representation relates to Policy 3, 5, 6 and the SA. For more details please view the summaries.