

Representation ID: 24466

Received: 22/03/2021

Respondent: Natural England

Representation Summary:

We welcome the reference to enhancing existing green infrastructure (GI) in the supporting text and in the final paragraph of the policy.

Instead of the basic maps 8A and 8B, if reference could made to a specific GI strategy or similar document, which provides further details of what should be maintained and enhanced, it would assist in the delivery of a strategic GI and coherent ecological networks in accordance with para 170 (d) and 171 of the NPPF.

Change suggested by respondent:

Instead of the basic maps 8A and 8B, if reference could made in the policy to a specific GI strategy or similar document, which provides further details of what should be maintained and enhanced, it would assist in the delivery of a strategic GI and coherent ecological networks in accordance with para 170 (d) and 171 of the NPPF.

Full text:

We welcome the reference to enhancing existing green infrastructure (GI) in the supporting text and in the final paragraph of the policy.

Instead of the basic maps 8A and 8B, if reference could made to a specific GI strategy or similar document, which provides further details of what should be maintained and enhanced, it would assist in the delivery of a strategic GI and coherent ecological networks in accordance with para 170 (d) and 171 of the NPPF.