

Representation ID: 24472

Received: 22/03/2021

Respondent: Natural England

Legally compliant? Not specified

Sound? No

Duty to co-operate? Not specified

Representation Summary:

The current policy states:

"Development must be high quality, contributing to delivering inclusive growth in mixed, resilient and sustainable communities, to enhancing the environment, and to mitigating and adapting to climate change, assisting in meeting national greenhouse gas emissions targets. To achieve this, development proposals are required, as appropriate, to:

3. Contribute to multi-functional green infrastructure links, including through landscaping, to make best use of site characteristics and integrate into the surroundings, having regard to relevant green infrastructure strategies and delivery plans; "

It is unclear what are the 'relevant green infrastructure strategies and delivery plans' and the policy should also cross reference Policy 3 in order to provide a strong and clear steer of what will be required to deliver the growth strategy, whilst protecting and enhancing the area’s natural environmental assets, and to make the Plan sound.

Change suggested by respondent:

Please clarify in the text which strategy is being referred to.

We recommend that the wording of point (3) of the policy needs to be amended as follows (or a similar form of wording used):

"3. Contribute to multi-functional green infrastructure links, including through landscaping, to make best use of site characteristics and integrate into the surroundings, having regard to relevant green infrastructure strategies and delivery plans, and in line with Policy 3."

Full text:

The current policy states:

"Development must be high quality, contributing to delivering inclusive growth in mixed, resilient and sustainable communities, to enhancing the environment, and to mitigating and adapting to climate change, assisting in meeting national greenhouse gas emissions targets. To achieve this, development proposals are required, as appropriate, to:

3. Contribute to multi-functional green infrastructure links, including through landscaping, to make best use of site characteristics and integrate into the surroundings, having regard to relevant green infrastructure strategies and delivery plans; "

It is unclear what are the 'relevant green infrastructure strategies and delivery plans' and the policy should also cross reference Policy 3 in order to provide a strong and clear steer of what will be required to deliver the growth strategy, whilst protecting and enhancing the area’s natural environmental assets, and to make the Plan sound.