

Representation ID: 24475

Received: 22/03/2021

Respondent: Natural England

Legally compliant? Not specified

Sound? No

Duty to co-operate? Not specified

Representation Summary:

Neither Policy 4, nor the accompanying text (see below), provide any level of detail regarding the delivery of strategic Green Infrastructure (GI). Under para 112 GI has been identified as vital to supporting the delivery of development proposed in the Plan. In the NPPF, under 171, a strategic approach to maintaining and enhancing networks of habitats and green infrastructure should be taken.

para 224. We think this should reference the Greater Norwich Local Plan Infrastructure Needs Report (GNLPINR) rather than the Greater Norwich Local Plan Infrastructure Report (GNLPIR), which does not appear to exist. It states that this plan is supported by evidence contained in the GNLPINR, though in relation to Green Infrastructure (GI), the report only contains a map showing GI corridors, similar to Map 8A in the Plan.

para 226. GI is not mentioned once in the Appendix 1: Infrastructure Requirements referred to in this section, unlike all other forms of strategic infrastructure identified in the Plan.

The strategic and timely delivery of GI, both on-site and off-site, is essential to avoid or recreational impacts on sensitive habitats sites as identified in the Norfolk Green Infrastructure and Recreational impact Avoidance and Mitigation Strategy.

Change suggested by respondent:

To comply with the NPPF, para 171, we recommend that Policy 4 is modified to include a strategic approach to the delivery of GI, and make the Plan sound.

Under the heading Other Strategic Infrastructure, i(n Policy 4), we recommend that the wording of the policy needs to be amended as follows (or a similar form of wording used):

"Improvements to existing strategic green infrastructure and the creation of new green infrastructure will be delivered in line with policy 3 and other relevant plans and strategies including XXX

* XX - the most relevant and current ones to be identified by the local authorities.

Full text:

Neither Policy 4, nor the accompanying text (see below), provide any level of detail regarding the delivery of strategic Green Infrastructure (GI). Under para 112 GI has been identified as vital to supporting the delivery of development proposed in the Plan. In the NPPF, under 171, a strategic approach to maintaining and enhancing networks of habitats and green infrastructure should be taken.

para 224. We think this should reference the Greater Norwich Local Plan Infrastructure Needs Report (GNLPINR) rather than the Greater Norwich Local Plan Infrastructure Report (GNLPIR), which does not appear to exist. It states that this plan is supported by evidence contained in the GNLPINR, though in relation to Green Infrastructure (GI), the report only contains a map showing GI corridors, similar to Map 8A in the Plan.

para 226. GI is not mentioned once in the Appendix 1: Infrastructure Requirements referred to in this section, unlike all other forms of strategic infrastructure identified in the Plan.

The strategic and timely delivery of GI, both on-site and off-site, is essential to avoid or recreational impacts on sensitive habitats sites as identified in the Norfolk Green Infrastructure and Recreational impact Avoidance and Mitigation Strategy.