

Representation ID: 24546

Received: 22/03/2021

Respondent: Gladman Developments

Legally compliant? Not specified

Sound? No

Duty to co-operate? Not specified

Representation Summary:

See attachment for full representation (section 4.4.14)

Policy 6 – The Economy (including Retail)Policy 6 sets out the strategy for delivering economic growth over the plan period in accordance with the New Anglia LEP’s Norfolk and Suffolk Economic Strategy and Local Industrial Strategy, the Cambridge Norwich Tech Corridor
initiative, and the enhanced growth outlined in the Greater Norwich City Deal. Gladman is supportive of the ambitious economic growth strategy, however the GNDB should recognise the role housing delivery has in supporting sustainable economic growth, particularly in
supporting town centres. There is a need to ensure that the proposed level of allocations made through the GNLP maximises economic growth potential provided though the City Deal and the A11 Norwich to Cambridge Tech Corridor. It is both appropriate and sound to concentrate
new development towards this broad strategic location. However, as advised in our previous representations, the implementation of this strategy should not come at the cost of maintaining the sustainability and important role played by settlements which fall outside this corridor. It is important that sufficient development is directed to these settlements to support their longer-term sustainability and functionality. Opportunities should also be taken to focus
growth towards those settlements which are well served by public transport to support climate change objectives.

Change suggested by respondent:

See attachment for full representation (section 4.4.14)

Full text:

Please find attached the representations of Gladman in response to the Reg 19 Pre-submission Draft consultation.
