

Representation ID: 24547

Received: 22/03/2021

Respondent: Gladman Developments

Legally compliant? Not specified

Sound? No

Duty to co-operate? Not specified

Representation Summary:

Please see attachment for full representation particularly section 5.4

5.4.1 Gladman notes the identification of a contingency site which will become an allocated site in the event the GNLP is not delivering housing at the anticipated rate. Gladman submits that the site we are promoting at Norwich Common, Wymondham would be a more suitable alternative for inclusion under this policy for the following reasons:
• The site is being actively promoted by Gladman, we have the experience and expertise to deliver a site of this scale.
• An outline planning application has been submitted by Gladman to South Norfolk Council and the technical information submitted with the application demonstrates
that there are no constraints which would prohibit the development of the site.
• We are working with South Norfolk Council and have offered to provide additional land for education and other community uses as part of the development.
• The site can be suitably accessed using land entirely within our control.

Change suggested by respondent:

Please see attachment for full representation particularly section 5.4

Full text:

Please find attached the representations of Gladman in response to the Reg 19 Pre-submission Draft consultation.
