

Representation ID: 24550

Received: 22/03/2021

Respondent: FCC Environment Ltd

Number of people: 2

Agent: Sirius Planning

Legally compliant? Not specified

Sound? No

Duty to co-operate? Not specified

Representation Summary:

Policy 7.4 Strategy for the Areas of Growth – Village Clusters
Policy 7.4 outlines the strategy for areas of growth within village clusters and highlights that there will be 2.3ha of
new employment allocations within this settlement hierarchy tier. The policy states that “other small-scale
employment development will be acceptable in principle elsewhere within village development boundaries, through the re-use of rural buildings or through the potential expansion of existing small and medium sized employment sites, subject to meeting other policies in the development plan”.
FCC consider this is overly restrictive and may restrict future economic development in rural areas. For Policy 7.4 to be consistent with national policy, small-scale employment development should also be acceptable in principle within the countryside where a rural location outside settlement boundaries can be justified. For example, refuelling stations having a functional need to be located off strategic roads which are normally outside settlement boundaries, such as FCC’s Pulham Market site proposals. Paragraph 84 states that “planning policies and decisions should recognise that sites to meet local businesses and community needs in rural areas may have to be found adjacent to or beyond existing settlements, and in locations that are not well served by public transport…The use of previously developed land…should be encouraged where suitable opportunities exist”.
It is noted that there are no policies within the GNLP for employment development within the countryside, FCC
consider a criteria-based policy allowing windfall developments in the countryside should be included within the GNLP which will provide flexibility in relation to varying locational requirements. Given the Greater Norwich area is predominately rural in nature, in particular South Norfolk in which FCC’s Pulham Market landholding is situated, FCC consider that the GLNP should go further with its strategy to strengthen its commitment to boosting the rural economy. The Broadland and South Norfolk Our Plan 2020 – 2024 identifies to grow the economy as an objective
including supporting all sizes and types of businesses. It is acknowledged that we are in a period of significant
uncertainty and therefore Local Plan Policies need to be flexible to enable change and worded in a positive manner to proactively encourage the rural economy.

Change suggested by respondent:

See attached letter

Full text:

Please find attached to this email planning representations on behalf of our client FCC Environmental to the Greater Norwich Local Plan Regulation 19 Consultation regarding their Pulham Market site.