New, Revised and Small Sites

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New, Revised and Small Sites


Representation ID: 19544

Received: 14/12/2018

Respondent: Amber REI

Agent: Pegasus Group

Representation Summary:

On behalf of Amber REI Holdings Limited, we are pleased to submit representations to the Greater Norwich Local Plan Regulation 18 Stage B Consultation on new, revised and small sites.

We write these representations to respond to the Suitability Assessment prepared by the Greater Norwich Development Partnership relating to the Bernard Matthews South Site, Great Witchingham (ref: GNLP2184). Amber REI are the owners of the site and are keen to work with the Council to find an alternative use for this substantial vacant brownfield site.

Documents attached:
*Representations report
*Red Line Plan
*Design Concept Plan

We object to certain elements of the Suitability Assessment that wrongly discount the site, the Representations submitted provide further detail on why we consider this to be the case. The enclosed Design Concept provides a visual idea of how the site can be laid out for development, which is a significant improvement compared to the existing vacant brownfield site.

See Attachments

Full text:

On behalf of Amber REI Holdings Limited, we are pleased to submit representations to the Greater Norwich Local Plan Regulation 18 Stage B Consultation on new, revised and small sites.

We write these representations to respond to the Suitability Assessment prepared by the Greater Norwich Development Partnership relating to the Bernard Matthews South Site, Great Witchingham (ref: GNLP2184). Amber REI are the owners of the site and are keen to work with the Council to find an alternative use for this substantial vacant brownfield site.

Documents attached:
*Representations report
*Red Line Plan
*Design Concept Plan

We object to certain elements of the Suitability Assessment that wrongly discount the site, the Representations submitted provide further detail on why we consider this to be the case. The enclosed Design Concept provides a visual idea of how the site can be laid out for development, which is a significant improvement compared to the existing vacant brownfield site.

See Attachments


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