Draft Greater Norwich Local Plan – Part 1 The Strategy
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Draft Greater Norwich Local Plan – Part 1 The Strategy
Question 14: Do you support, object or wish to comment on the approach for housing numbers and delivery?
Representation ID: 22711
Received: 03/04/2020
Respondent: CODE Development Planners Ltd
We support the general strategy which seeks to distribute housing growth in line with a settlement hierarchy of:
1) The Norwich urban area
2) The main towns
3) The key service centres
4) Village clusters
As stated in policy 1 "The distribution of development in the plan tends to focus more growth higher up the hierarchy maximising the use of brownfield land and providing for urban extensions close to existing Jobs services and infrastructure" This approach is most likely to achieve the sustainable development required by the NPPF.
Reference accompanying Position Statement and appended reports
- Landscape and Visual Appraisal prepared by Robert Myers Associates (March 2020)
• Landscape Report (incorporating Illustrative development framework plan) prepared by Robert Myers Associates (March 2020)
• Heritage Desk Based Assessment prepared by Orion (May 2019)
• Tree Survey and Constraints Plan prepared by Hayden's (February 2020)
• Preliminary Ecological Appraisal prepared by Wild Frontier Ecology (June 2019)
• Bird Hazard Risk Assessment prepared by Airfield Wildlife Management Ltd (July 2019
• The Monitoring and Management of Gulls on Commercial and Industrial Buildings in the Vicinity of Norwich International Airport prepared by Airfield Wildlife Managements Ltd (July 2019)
• Surface Water Drainage Strategy prepared by Richard Jackson Engineering Consultants (March 2020)
• Access and Transportation Strategy prepared by Richard Jackson Engineering Consultants (March 2020)
Draft Greater Norwich Local Plan – Part 1 The Strategy
Question 46. Do you support or object or wish to comment on the approach for specific village clusters?
Representation ID: 22712
Received: 03/04/2020
Respondent: CODE Development Planners Ltd
Notwithstanding the support for the general approach and settlement hierarchy, (Policy 1) the distribution of new allocations with 1,400 at Tavenham and none at Hellesdon or directly adjacent to the built edge in the adjacent parish of Horsford is objected to. As demonstrated in our representations in relation to sites GNLP0332R and 0334R the conclusions to allocate sites for such a large proportion of the overall plan need is not justified as required by paragraph 35 of the NPPF.
Policy 7 also confirms a concentration of a further large proportion of the plan's new allocations (1,220) on three complex sites in the East Norwich Strategic Regeneration Area in addition to an existing as yet undelivered commitment (780). It is essential that the plan recognises the clear likelihood that suitable and deliverable urban edge sites within the hierarchy may be required to meet any shortfall in the delivery of such complex sites.
Reference accompanying Position Statement and appended reports
- Landscape and Visual Appraisal prepared by Robert Myers Associates (March 2020)
• Landscape Report (incorporating Illustrative development framework plan) prepared by Robert Myers Associates (March 2020)
• Heritage Desk Based Assessment prepared by Orion (May 2019)
• Tree Survey and Constraints Plan prepared by Hayden's (February 2020)
• Preliminary Ecological Appraisal prepared by Wild Frontier Ecology (June 2019)
• Bird Hazard Risk Assessment prepared by Airfield Wildlife Management Ltd (July 2019
• The Monitoring and Management of Gulls on Commercial and Industrial Buildings in the Vicinity of Norwich International Airport prepared by Airfield Wildlife Managements Ltd (July 2019)
• Surface Water Drainage Strategy prepared by Richard Jackson Engineering Consultants (March 2020)
• Access and Transportation Strategy prepared by Richard Jackson Engineering Consultants (March 2020)