Draft Greater Norwich Local Plan – Part 1 The Strategy

Ended on the 16 March 2020

Schedule of Corrections - This schedule will be added to if further corrections are required through the consultation process.


(Note – this page and sections in this background colour are for this consultation only and are not part of the draft plan)

What is this document?

This consultation is the draft version of the Greater Norwich Local Plan (GNLP), also called the Regulation 18 draft plan.

There are two parts to the GNLP we are consulting on:

  1. The first is this draft GNLP Strategy. It contains the planning strategy for growth in Greater Norwich from 2018 to 2038.
  2. The second is the draft GNLP Sites document. It has planning allocation policies for the sites we propose to deliver the strategy[1].

At this stage of plan making we have identified preferred options for the approach we think should be taken. In some cases, we have also identified reasonable alternative options.

The plan documents are supported by an Interim Sustainability Appraisal which evaluates the draft plan and other evidence which is also available for comment.

Your responses to questions and comments on any part or all of these documents are welcomed to help us produce the next version of the plan.

The GNLP stages

The table below sets out the timetable for the GNLP, highlighting the current stage.



Call for Sites

May to July 2016

Regulation 18 Preparation Stage

Stage A

Growth Options and Site Proposals consultation

January to March 2018

Stage B

New, Revised and Small Sites consultation

October to December 2018

Stage C

Regulation 18 Draft Plan consultation

January – March 2020

Regulation 19 Publication Stage

Pre-submission Draft Plan for representations on soundness and legal compliance

January – February 2021

Regulations 22 to 26 Submission, Examination and Adoption Stages

Submission of GNLP to the Secretary of State

June 2021

Public Examination

November/December 2021

Adoption of the Greater Norwich Local Plan

August/September 2022

To get to this stage, in early 2018 we consulted on options for the broad planning strategy for the area, along with more than 600 sites suggested for allocation by site owners or agents. A second consultation on more than 200 additional suggested sites followed in late 2018.

How we will use your responses

We will use your consultation responses to inform the next version of the plan, the Publication Version of the GNLP (the Regulation 19 version) which will be the councils' chosen plan. In January and February 2021, it will be possible to comment on the plan's soundness.

A Government appointed Inspector will then consider these comments at the plan's Public Examination, which is currently scheduled to start in November/December 2021.

From there we expect the plan to be adopted in August/September 2022.

How you can respond to this consultation

There are two ways you can respond to this consultation – by submitting your comments online, or in writing. Ideally, please submit your consultation responses to us online at www.gnlp.org.uk. However, written responses can also be made on a response form, which you can request by phoning us on 01603 306603 or emailing gnlp@norfolk.gov.uk

Please note that this consultation runs from 09.00 on Wednesday 29 January to 17.00 on Monday 16 March 2020.

Important things to be aware of when responding

There are consultation questions asking whether you agree with the proposed approach in this draft consultation plan. There is an open question at the end where you can make any additional comments you feel necessary. We have also included boxes (in this colour) after the policies which contain alternative approaches to those policies. These may help you in making your consultation responses. Wherever possible, please could you set out reasons for your responses and any additional evidence that you think may be relevant.

Please also note that consultation responses will be available publicly.

[1] The two parts of the draft plan meet the requirements of Regulation 18 of the Town and Country (Local Planning) Regulations 2012 (as amended) for plan making.

For instructions on how to use the system and make comments, please see our help guide.
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