Draft Greater Norwich Local Plan – Part 1 The Strategy

Ended on the 16 March 2020


Broadland, Norwich and South Norfolk, which make up Greater Norwich, are great places to live, work and invest. This is why we need to make sure that our unique area is well-planned, and that growth brings with it benefits for all and provides for a sustainable future.

Our strong local economy is set to grow significantly over the coming years and promoting prosperity within Greater Norwich is a priority.

Economic growth needs to be encouraged in the right locations, providing opportunities for businesses to expand or relocate to our area, encouraging innovation and building on our strengths, particularly in the agri-tech and scientific sectors.

The planned growth looks to the future, delivering high-quality homes, new jobs and supporting infrastructure – which increasingly includes broadband connectivity as well as roads, schools and health care. We need to find housing sites that are sustainable in the longer-term and provide homes for all. From young people looking for their first home through to meeting the needs of an ageing population.

Protecting our environment and habitats and creating new green spaces is a key consideration as we develop a low carbon economy and respond to climate change.

This plan identifies where growth is needed over the next 20-years with Government targets stating that about 44,340 new homes will be required. The good news is, we already have plans in place that identify locations for 82% of the new homes. We have also already planned for new jobs, green spaces and the additional infrastructure.

In developing this plan, the district councils, county council and Broads Authority have been working together to make best use of the current infrastructure and identify the new infrastructure we will need.

It is important that as those living and working in Greater Norwich, you share your views on our approach and the sites in this draft plan. Please get involved and have your say about growth in Broadland, Norwich and South Norfolk to help us finalise the plan we will submit to the Government.

Councillor Shaun Vincent, Chair of the Greater Norwich Development Partnership

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