Draft Greater Norwich Local Plan – Part 1 The Strategy
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Draft Greater Norwich Local Plan – Part 1 The Strategy
Question 2: Is the overall purpose of this draft plan clear?
Representation ID: 21931
Received: 13/03/2020
Respondent: UEA Estates & Buildings
Agent: Bidwells
Please see attached for full submission
Draft Greater Norwich Local Plan – Part 1 The Strategy
Question 6: Do you support or object to the vision and objectives for Greater Norwich?
Representation ID: 21932
Received: 13/03/2020
Respondent: UEA Estates & Buildings
Agent: Bidwells
The UEA are fully supportive of the Vision for Greater Norwich, which seeks to support a diverse low carbon economy which will compete globally though its world class knowledge-intensive jobs in the Cambridge Norwich Tech Corridor. Moreover, the UEA are supportive of the plan’s economic objectives of supporting the expansion of internally important knowledge-based industries in the Cambridge Norwich Tech Corridor, as part of an entrepreneurial, enterprising, creative economy.
Please see attached for full submission
Draft Greater Norwich Local Plan – Part 1 The Strategy
Question 9: Do you support, object, or have any comments relating to the approach to Housing set out in the Delivery Statement?
Representation ID: 21935
Received: 13/03/2020
Respondent: UEA Estates & Buildings
Agent: Bidwells
The requirement that sites should only be allocated for housing where, having regard to policy requirements, there is a reasonable prospect that housing can be delivered, fully accords with paragraph 67 of the NPPF. As has been outlined within the Representations for the preferred allocations of GNLP0133-C and GNLP0133-E, both sites are suitable, available, achievable and viable, and are deliverable for student accommodation.
The submission of Delivery Plans as part of a planning applications is supported. The documents do, however, need to recognise that there may be unforeseen material changes in circumstances, which could impact upon the delivery of an allocation.
The Council’s approach to providing choice and flexibility in terms of housing growth by accommodating 9% more homes than are needed, along with contingency sites, is supported. This buffer will help maintain the supply and delivery of housing, which includes purpose built student accommodation, in accordance with the NPPF.
Please see attached for full submission
Draft Greater Norwich Local Plan – Part 1 The Strategy
Question 10: Do you support, object, or have any comments relating to the approach to Economic Development set out in the Delivery Statement?
Representation ID: 21936
Received: 13/03/2020
Respondent: UEA Estates & Buildings
Agent: Bidwells
The UEA are fully supportive of the fact that the identified growth offers the opportunity to strengthen Norwich’s role as a key part of the national economy, particularly through the Cambridge Norwich Tech Corridor.
The Delivery Statement recognises that strategic sites are identified to promote growth in the knowledge intensive sectors. The identification of the preferred allocations of GNLP0133-B, GNLP0133-D and GNLP0140-C will directly help to promote growth in the knowledge-intensive sectors. The preferred allocations of GNLP0133-C and GNLP0133-E, which are for predominantly student accommodation, will help support the role of enhancing the UEA, with the overarching purpose of promoting growth in the knowledge-based sectors.
Please see attached for full submission
Draft Greater Norwich Local Plan – Part 1 The Strategy
Question 11: Do you support, object, or have any comments relating to the approach to Infrastructure set out in the Delivery Statement?
Representation ID: 21938
Received: 13/03/2020
Respondent: UEA Estates & Buildings
Agent: Bidwells
Whilst there is support, in principle, for the proposed approach to infrastructure, particularly the need for key stakeholders to work collaboratively, the Delivery Statement should make it clear that infrastructure requirements will be proportionate to each development and based on clear assessments of need. Failure to do this will result in certain developments being financially unviable and, therefore, undeliverable.
Please see attached for full submission
Draft Greater Norwich Local Plan – Part 1 The Strategy
Question 12: Do you support, object, or have any comments relating to the Climate Change Statement?
Representation ID: 21939
Received: 13/03/2020
Respondent: UEA Estates & Buildings
Agent: Bidwells
UEA are supportive of the consideration being given to ensuring that development is created to be resilient to the impacts of climate change. The UEA boasts some of the best climatic research in the country, being a leader in the field of environmental research, and is committed to replicating this success in how the campus and surrounding environment is managed and developed.
Following on from adopting a low energy/carbon agenda in the early 1990s, the UEA has sought to develop the campus in a way that reduces environmental impacts, through long-term planning. Examples of the UEA’s dedication to achieving low carbon development is The Enterprise Centre, which is the first large-scale building to achieve both Passivhaus Certification and BREEAM Outstanding, which result in it being one of the UK’s most sustainable academic buildings.
Accordingly, the design principles encompassed in the Climate Change Statement are supported. It will be sought, where viable and achievable to do so, to design GNLP0133-B, GNLP0133-C, GNLP0133-D, GNLP0133-E, and GNLP0140-C, to low carbon standards.
Please see attached for full submission
Draft Greater Norwich Local Plan – Part 1 The Strategy
Question 13: Do you agree with the proposed Settlement Hierarchy and the proposed distribution of housing within the hierarchy?
Representation ID: 21940
Received: 13/03/2020
Respondent: UEA Estates & Buildings
Agent: Bidwells
The proposed Settlement Hierarchy and the identification of the UEA as part of the Norwich Urban Area is supported. The UEA is a world class research university, being a leader in creative writing, life and environmental sciences. The presence of the UEA in Norwich has significantly contributed to Norwich’s recent economic, social and cultural growth. The UEA’s presence has enabled Norwich to attract many young, skilled workers to the area and, importantly, helped retain them locally.
Therefore, the UEA support the scale of growth directed to the Norwich Urban Area, including 4,395 new dwellings. Development on GNLP0133-C and GNLP0133-E will help to support and meet a particular area of housing growth in the Norwich Urban Area.
Please see attached for full submission
Draft Greater Norwich Local Plan – Part 1 The Strategy
Question 14: Do you support, object or wish to comment on the approach for housing numbers and delivery?
Representation ID: 21941
Received: 13/03/2020
Respondent: UEA Estates & Buildings
Agent: Bidwells
For reasons outlined in relation to Question 12, the UEA fully support the identification of the Norwich Urban Area as a location to accommodate additional growth.
Please see attached for full submission
Draft Greater Norwich Local Plan – Part 1 The Strategy
Question 15: Do you support, object or wish to comment on the approach for the Economy?
Representation ID: 21942
Received: 13/03/2020
Respondent: UEA Estates & Buildings
Agent: Bidwells
Whilst it is appreciated that the UEA does not solely comprise a strategic employment location, it is suggested that the policy is amended to reflect the valuable role which the UEA provides to the Norwich and UK economy. The UEA contributes £1.04 billion to the UK economy, of which £468 million is retained within Norwich.
Accordingly, development on GNLP0133-B, GNLP0133 C, GNLP-133-D, GNLP0133-E and GNLP0140-C will help support and sustain the important contribution of the UEA to the economy.
Please see attached for full submission
Draft Greater Norwich Local Plan – Part 1 The Strategy
Question 16: Do you support, object or wish to comment on the approach to Review and Five-Year Land Supply?
Representation ID: 21943
Received: 13/03/2020
Respondent: UEA Estates & Buildings
Agent: Bidwells
The proposed review of the plan 5 years after adoption is fully consistent with paragraph 33 of the NPPF.
Please see attached for full submission