Draft Greater Norwich Local Plan – Part 1 The Strategy

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Draft Greater Norwich Local Plan – Part 1 The Strategy

Question 43. Do you support or object or wish to comment on the approach for the key service centres overall? Please identify particular issues.

Representation ID: 21329

Received: 16/03/2020

Respondent: Hardingham Farms Ltd

Agent: Lanpro Services Ltd

Representation Summary:

More new housing allocations should be apportioned to key service centres than to village clusters in recognition of their higher tier within the growth heirarchy.

Full text:

Key Service Centres are identified under draft Policy 1 of the Regulation 18 Stage C Consultation Document as a third-tier settlement, with growth proposed to these areas after the ‘Norwich Urban Area’, and the ‘Main Towns’.

Despite their position in the hierarchy, only 515 new homes are proposed to come forward through new allocations within all nine Key Service Centres. This compares to a minimum of 1,680 homes that are proposed to come forward in the lower (fourth) tier, ‘Village Clusters’.

Whilst Hardingham Farms Ltd recognise the benefits to be delivered to the vitality of rural areas through allocating some new sites and thus increasing footfall within small village locations, it is considered both unsustainable and inappropriate to apportion a greater amount of growth to these areas than to the higher order Key Service Centres which it can be assumed from their position in the hierarchy, are more sustainable and offer greater service provision.

More new housing allocations should, therefore, be apportioned to key service centres than to village clusters in recognition of their higher tier within the growth heirarchy.


Draft Greater Norwich Local Plan – Part 1 The Strategy

Question 44. Do you support or object or wish to comment on the approach for specific key service centres: (Acle, Blofield, Brundall, Hethersett, Hingham, Loddon / Chedgrave, Poringland / Framingham Earl, Reepham, Wroxham)? Please identify particular issu

Representation ID: 21338

Received: 16/03/2020

Respondent: Hardingham Farms Ltd

Agent: Lanpro Services Ltd

Representation Summary:

We support the allocation of 100 new homes to Hingham. Hingham is a well serviced key service centre that can accommodate additional growth. We consider that it would be capable of accommodating more than 100 new dwellings in line with its position within the growth hierarchy. A sensible approach would be to allocate some of the growth earmarked for small cluster villages within South Norfolk, to Hingham.

Full text:

We support the allocation of 100 new homes to Hingham. Hingham is a well serviced key service centre that can accommodate additional growth. We consider that it would be capable of accommodating more than 100 new dwellings in line with its position within the growth hierarchy. A sensible approach would be to allocate some of the growth earmarked for small cluster villages within South Norfolk, to Hingham.

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